Joe Boydston keeps coming up on the radar and that’s because he’s got a powerful message that many people need to hear. He was here in Atlanta for our event and shared a killer presentation that many people came for. He also presented at Reno-Tahoe on free speech, free press, and free software:
Demystifying WordPress SEO with Kathy Brown
“Search engine optimization” – sometimes those words make me literally shudder on the inside. It’s mostly because there are 1,000 and 1 “seo experts” that are peddling their wares, products, and services when they have really no idea themselves what they are talking about. Even though I’ve been around the web and publishing for quite some time I’d be the very last to ever declare myself as “expert” at SEO – it’s just not what I do (and I don’t want to be). Just because you’ve been around the block or blogged a few times doesn’t mean you know much. This […]
Bret Simmons: Social Business and Personal Branding
I’m passionate about personal branding because I believe it’s an important part of building a successful business online. Why? Because people are interested in following people, not just an organization. That’s why you see more people follow (literally) founders of organizations instead of the official company Twitter account. That’s why you get personal blogs that scale way faster and larger than corporate blogs. It’s all about branding and communicating out of being a person, being human. After all, we don’t want to connect with our products – we want to connect with other people.
The Client Isn't Always Right – Win Back Your Profits!
You knew this already though, right? Many of us spend an incredible time helping our clients make the very best decisions when it comes to their business. This is addition to the work that we do designing and developing their properties. But sometimes we can get to a point where our clients are becoming ever-increasing sinkholes of time and our profits. It’s time we win back our hard-earned dollars and not overshoot. Chris Lema has a few thoughts on that:
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