Starting a new habit is a tough business, and big business. There are hundreds of apps, courses, books and programs to help you start good habits yet in spite of all these things it is still MUCH MUCH easier to start a bad habit and lose your good habit than start a good new habit which lasts longer than just a few weeks. Well this app from is a great app that uses a few psychological triggers to help you build a daily writing habit that you can stick to for good.
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
It’s that time again! Let’s just jump right in – you’ve got a weekend to take advantage of and so do I – like do nothing, that’s what! Just kidding. “Weekend,” what is that?!
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Grow a WP Marketplace
It seems that a growing trend among marketplaces is to leverage a combination of the following pieces of strategy: Volume – Get as many authors in as possible. Brand Names – Get significant existing theme shops to commit to selling their products. Affiliate Program – Open up an affiliate program that works. Rewards, Bonuses – Create rewards based on sales figures and community engagement. Tier Pricing – Price competitively and tier the pricing and author cut based on sales, performance. Remix a couple times and you’ve got a decent shot at making a marketplace not fall completely flat on it’s […]
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