As many of you I’m a huge user of RSS – I still think there’s something powerful about that protocol and unless something dramatic changes I don’t see it leaving us anytime soon. Unfortunately, the applications that we use to read RSS seem to not stick around too long, the biggest and most recent example being Google Reader. I’ve already chosen my replacement for starters, which you can read about here: Feedly. But I’m not terribly happy with it although it does work so I’m still looking out for other alternatives and possibilities and I found one that got me excited […]
Why WordPress Is Not Doomed
Last night, John shared a post on Is WordPress Doomed? It’s a good post that’s worth a read and I highly encourage everyone to read the article in question, as well. I’ve debated a long time—as in over 12 hours—on whether or not I wanted to share my opinions on this because is such a sensitive topic, and I don’t want to do any damage to the way the WordPress developer community is perceived. I care about our reputation and I want to have positive discussion with other developers. As someone who builds things for, blogs about, and contributes directly to […]
Tracking Errors with Airbrake, Errbit
When you’re developing apps for yourself you may not necessarily care as much about the errors that are created at run-time, especially if it’s to solve a personal productivity issue or challenge. For example, there are a few Chrome and Firefox browser scripts that I’ve created that are terribly coded and that would most likely break in any other environment other than my own but I don’t really care to take the time to refine these small collections of code because I’m not releasing them publicly and definitely not selling them. But if you’re a WordPress-powered business that are developing […]
Using WordPress For Application Development
One of the things that we’ve been discussing more and more here on WP Daily – and in the rest of the WordPress community, for that matter – is viewing WordPress and a framework or platform for developing web applications. Heck, we’ve even begun to share a few web applications that are built specifically using WordPress. The thing is, we’ve not actually spent time talking about why WordPress is a viable application platform, how it compares to other frameworks that are already available, and how to actually being using WordPress for Application Development.
Shopify's Year in Review 2012
Let’s just put it plainly – Shopify is kicking serious tail. A very well-known eCommerce solution it’s been growing like wild-fire and last year they saw some incredible numbers in their posted infographic, detailing things like a total of 7.8MM customers who placed 9.9MM orders worth $742MM in revenue. Yikes. The point of even covering it here on WP Daily is because you, like me, may have recommended this service or at least compared it to many WordPress solutions in your research for a competent eCommerce solution. In other words, I shared Shopify with every single client that came to […]