I discovered this eye-catching book amidst my mail, and of course it sparked instant curiosity. A bright red book with a suggestive cover…who wouldn’t push their boring bills aside to further investigate? First Impressions I have to admit, American Apparel is what immediately came to mind. An urban art school grad, I’m among American Apparel’s prime demographic, so the fact that I instantly thought of the overpriced hipster brand speaks more to the brand’s aggressive (though clearly effective) marketing than to the design of the book cover. But many WordPress users are in this same cultural sphere, subjected to the same references, so it’s worth […]
Scott Berkun Goes Pantless, That Mother******!
I had to, I’m sorry. I found a very old interview featuring Scott Berkun who was asked the following question (and his response): Which words or phrases do you most overuse? My friends would say its mother*****r. But I don’t think this word can be overused. My type of guy.
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Yikes. It’s been a busy Saturday and I’m finally getting around to compiling our weekly review of content that we didn’t get to cover explicitly over the last 7 days. In a good way I’m glad as I spent most of my time today with family. Soccer games, a date with one of my daughters, and then the park with my other one has left me spent. I hope your weekend has been as eventful as mine already as well!