Yikes. It’s been a busy Saturday and I’m finally getting around to compiling our weekly review of content that we didn’t get to cover explicitly over the last 7 days.
In a good way I’m glad as I spent most of my time today with family. Soccer games, a date with one of my daughters, and then the park with my other one has left me spent.
I hope your weekend has been as eventful as mine already as well!
1. The Future of the Admin Panel
The big news that’s been circulating is the future of the admin panel and what that might look like for 3.6 and beyond. WPMU has their take and WPRealm has already shared theirs as well.
Matt has begun to tease this out with the MP6 plugin, which we covered when it first hit the repo.
I can’t wait to see where all of this goes!
The plugin description is as follows:
This plugin is a secret; don’t tell anybody about it.
Simplifying the wp-admin UI is a challenging task, as flattening the icons showed us when you improve one thing it just makes all of the other out of date elements stand out more.
Trunk isn’t terribly well-suited for UI iteration, so this plugin is a chance for us to rapidly iterate in a way people can use and test some new ideas for how to visually tie together the aesthetics of our current wp-admin UI.
Existence of this plugin will be officially denied, but discussion will happen at http://make.wordpress.org/ui/if you’d like to participate. All comments and contributions are welcome, though we’re leaving the final call on decisions to MT.
(MP6 doesn’t stand for anything.)
Oh boy.
Ankur Sethi takes WordPress optimization personally and takes a look under the hood:
I was dismayed to discover that WordPress has terrible performance out of the box, even if you disable all installed plugins. The WordPress dashboard served by my Ubuntu VM would easily take 4-5 seconds to load, and individual posts would take at least 2-3 seconds to load. I found this unacceptable.
3. Aaron Jorbin and More Meetup Guidelines
I previously had posted my intent to form a committee to draft guidelines for Meetups. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize the timeline we had with Meetup.com and thus the need for us to get these done very quickly in order to get more Meetups under the umbrella. Therefore, I’ve prepared these guidelines as a draft for you, the WordPress events community to comment on.
4. Workflow Changes to Handbooks
If you’re already involved with the handbook development then you already know about the changes but it’s good to know for the rest of us. Looking forward to the handbooks – they are going to be awesome.
5. Crowdfunding via Chris Lema
A few thoughts as well as some links to what the future might hold for WordPress crowdfunding.
6. Product Finder for WooCommerce
7. Free Files for March via Envato
Get them while they are hot.
8. Update about WordPress.tv Moderation
Jerry and the rest of the team are staying busy!
Built on WordPress. Sweet!
10. WordPress Design Trends for 2013?
Pingable’s got a stance.
11. Build a Mobile First Responsive Theme
via Net Tuts!
12. Clone WordPress?
WP Jedi has a few plugins that might help you.
13. Tom McFarlin shares Building a WordPress Page Template, Building Plugins.
Tom blogs like a champ.
14. Esmi Updates Us on Accessibility
16. Andrea Rennick on Code Poet
Another great interview on Code Poet.
17. Yoast and Why Not Old WordPress Versions
18. Top Mobile WordPress Plugins
via ProTheme Design
19. Dealing with Costs at a Meetup
iThemes has a robust series going on about this stuff!
20. Mika Epstein on The Matt Report
Another great interview with WordPress and Dreamhost super-user, Mika!
Now wouldn’t that be something.
22. Phoneography Month at Daily Post
Mobile, mobile, mobile!
23. Lorelle @ PCC Rock Creek and Clark College
I love that Lorelle teaches this stuff in higher education!
24. How to Run a Good Workshop
via Daniel Bachhuber
25. Landing Page Redesign Thoughts
Noel Tock shares his perspective.
UX Mag gives a nice overview of how hard it can be to be simple.
Chip shares some details on how the queue gets done for WordPress Themes – and how we all reap the benefit of so much volunteer help.
29. Five Minutes with Lori McLeese
A great interview with another Automattician.
30. Gravity Forms? Stripe? Yes!
Online payment system help via Do It with WP.
31. Brian Gardner and Redesigns… Again.
I love how Brian shares candidly his thought process!
32. WP Lift Helps You Build a Newsletter
Not a bad read here.
34. Product Pier to Be Hosted eCommerce?
Now this is something worth paying attention to.
35. Instagram Plugin
Learn how to build your own.
And… on to the next week.