Scott Offord, Director of Internet Marketing at Orion Group, cuts through the confusion once and for all. The Myth There has been a lot of misunderstanding around the topic of dedicated IP addresses for SEO. Misperception about whether a dedicated IP address will provide a boost to your SEO or not still lingers from the false notion that Google penalized virtual hosted sites. It was a misunderstanding that should have been cleared up back in 2003, but it still clouds public perception, even though it shouldn’t. I want to cut through the confusion: A dedicated IP will not boost your […]
Think CMSs, Not Websites
I meet many small and mid-sized business owners. It’s amazing to me that, even in mid-2013, so many don’t operate websites. Statistics vary, but by some counts an astonishing three in four companies don’t maintain a web presence. And then there are I call 90s sites in The New Small. These are the websites that look like that they have not been updated in fifteen years. These websites—and I use that term loosely—are often bereft of content and anything remotely resembling contemporary design. In this article, I’ll make the argument that business owners need to stop thinking about websites. Instead, […]
SEO Basics
Expert Chris Dendy on commonly overlooked SEO factors. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of formatting one’s website in such a way that Google can better understand it, index it, and display it to users via Google search. Without going into the hundred plus ranking factors that Google uses to determine where one’s website will fall within the search engine rankings page (SERP), I would like to focus on three on-page factors that should be the foundation of any SEO strategy. As luck would have it, your out-of-the-box WordPress installation excels in all of these categories with the very […]
Alex Vasquez Walks Through Yoast SEO
We just announced some really neat news around Yoast and his SEO Plugin, namely the fact that he’s going to be offering some premium features and support which I think has been a long time coming. To prime and prep you for that it might be a good idea, especially if you’re new to Joost de Valk‘s work, to hang out with Alex Vasquez for a few moments as he walks through the plugin in this workshop at WordCamp Orange County:
A Premium Yoast SEO Plugin Coming Soon? Yes.
That’s what it sounds like via Joost de Valk’s post this morning as he announced that he’s looking for more help as it pertains to the community forums that sometimes can get overrun (I wonder if this article by ManageWP had anything to do with this recent announcement: Is WordPress SEO by Yoast Broken?): Starting in August, we’ll start offering a premium version of the plugin, including support (as in, you’ll get a direct email address and we’ll reply to your questions as soon as we can), at a yearly fee, starting from $89 for a single site to $349 […]
10 Plugins That I Install After I Install WordPress
People start looking for right plugins & themes right after setting up their blogs with WordPress as most people want a little more functionality than what is right out of the box. High quality plugins widen scope for success of a WP blog and site (but you already knew that). Thus, the research for credible plugins is required. Here is a list of 10 plugins that I constantly install post my WordPress installation that I’ve found that helps me enhance the effectiveness for my clients and bloggers that I support. Of course, you’re responsible to review these for yourself for […]
Demystifying WordPress SEO with Kathy Brown
“Search engine optimization” – sometimes those words make me literally shudder on the inside. It’s mostly because there are 1,000 and 1 “seo experts” that are peddling their wares, products, and services when they have really no idea themselves what they are talking about. Even though I’ve been around the web and publishing for quite some time I’d be the very last to ever declare myself as “expert” at SEO – it’s just not what I do (and I don’t want to be). Just because you’ve been around the block or blogged a few times doesn’t mean you know much. This […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Hope you guys are getting ready for the weekend because not only is it a holiday (if you’re in the US) but Monday is the 10th Anniversary Party! Dig it! So until then, chew on some of these links while you wait to party!
3 Reasons Your Blog Is More Important Than Business Cards
Seven trenchcoat-clad executives walked single file through the front doors of the café where I was seated. I stood to wave them over to our table. At the time, I was working for a non-profit organization, and we were building a new software product. I had spent weeks vetting developers, and this trechcoat-clad gaggle of executives represented one of the top three firms. As they reached our table, each of them greeted me and placed their business card on the table in front of me. By the time I finished meeting all of them, I felt like I had been dealt […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
It’s been a pretty crazy week here at 8BIT and WP Daily but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t bee fun – we’re having tons of fun getting tons of stuff done, I just wish we had an extra few hours in each day to get it all sorted! This probably isn’t too far from what you guys are experiencing so I’ll just leave it at that, but I hope your resting his weekend and finding time to hang out with those that matter, like your friends, your family, and your bed. I know that I’ve already had my share […]