When it comes to blogging sites, sidebars have been around for many years. Of course, there have always been blogs with special layouts that didn’t include a sidebar, but for the most part, the majority of bloggers have preferred having a sidebar (sometimes, even two). However, after the release of Twenty Thirteen, the WordPress theme that took us “back to the blog,” certain blog designs that didn’t employ the sidebar became available. Then, following the release of Ghost, and its free or premium “content-first look” themes, more and more WordPress themes became available—discarding the use of the sidebar. Question is, […]
How to Register Custom Sidebars in Genesis
The Genesis Framework is probably the most designer and developer friendly WordPress theming framework for WordPress. Genesis makes it easy to change the look and feel of your site with little code. Changing layouts and adding sidebars are easy. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to register custom sidebars Genesis style.
Our Simple Twitter Widget
We’ve been asked this so many times that I thought I’d just create a simple blog post that I can reference to when people ask. Although we’re not super fans of having our little Twitter widget on the sidebar (we’re looking into some alternative implementations) it’s very useful for people to easily follow us and tweet news to us that we should review. The reason is that it’s a bit slow-loading – that is, it requires a bit more of load time than I’m willing to give up as we look into a redesign, but for now it’ll do just fine.
Create Better Code with GenerateWP
Everyone’s looking for a shortcut, especially if you’re a developer who has more code to write than time (which is nearly always the case, right?). And if you’re a developer then you already have your own personal “bag of tricks” that help you optimize and streamline your workflow so that you can minimize waste, distraction, and increase the speed of production – we can take all the help we can get! That’s where GenerateWP might come in, which is a new product by Rami Yushuvaev, an entrepreneur, developer, and blogger. The concept is simple as it provides tools for developers […]