The story continues to gain steam and excitement for the successfully-funded Kickstarter Ghost project, which is now at a point where they are trying to reach their stretch goals with force and gusto.
In a recent update they’ve shared a few key things that make this update pretty special, the first being that they’ve “sold” out their top partner space to 8 great companies, adding atechmedia, MarketPress, and SingleHop to their lineup.
Another addition is Code School, which is a great resource for continuing education and for those that may want to start a new career – they are partnering in a neat way where they will give a free course to all backers of the project, a nice bonus for those interested in learning more about Node.js, Ghost’s technology platform.
They’ve also set up a neat little one-off webpage that you can help get the word out even more strongly to techblogs and people that have influence.
As they admit, mashing on these buttons may feel a bit “lame” but it’ll get more people involved and more eyeballs on the project:
As for John O’Nolan himself, he’s staying very positive about how everything is going:
A week later, we’re 410% funded and 41% of the way towards our extremely ambitious stretch goal! A lot has happened, so it’s time for another update. I’m going to try and keep these updates to 1-per-week for the life of the Kickstarter project (perhaps one extra at the very end). Don’t want to spam you, do want to keep you in the loop with what’s going on.
We’ll keep you guys in the loop as things progress as I know many of us are vitally interested on how this all pans out.
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