Ghost continues their development and they are hitting on all cylinders, for serious. In their latest update (for backers only) they shared the fact that they’ve seen over 27,000 core submissions: That’s all for now. We’re powering away on core development. There have been over 27,000 code additions to the core repository in the last month. That’s some code for ya. I’m excited to continue to see the development and happy to be a backer of the project via Kickstarter.
Best Intern You Never Had: JavaScript Tester
Man, I love the name! Available on Github, you can run tests using your browser (or node.js) and get full reports to boot. Integrate with SauceLabs or Selenium? Check. Write tests? Check! Use object, TDD, or BDD styles. Reporting via Istanbul? Sure. Why not. Continuous integration as an option? Yup, with Travis CI. Yikes.
Ghost: Partners and Free Node.js Lessons
The story continues to gain steam and excitement for the successfully-funded Kickstarter Ghost project, which is now at a point where they are trying to reach their stretch goals with force and gusto. In a recent update they’ve shared a few key things that make this update pretty special, the first being that they’ve “sold” out their top partner space to 8 great companies, adding atechmedia, MarketPress, and SingleHop to their lineup. Another addition is Code School, which is a great resource for continuing education and for those that may want to start a new career – they are partnering in a neat way where […]
DradCast with Adii Pienaar of WooThemes
The guys at DradCast (hosted by the awesome Dre of Sucuri and Brad of WebDevStudios) are continuing their awesome interviews and perhaps the best intro ever was created last night via Adii Pienaar, one of the founders of WooThemes: So I’m been waiting for my invite and this opportunity for bloody ages, and I had to wait up until episode 11 to finally get it. I know, I was appalled as well. I guess that’s however, it’s indicative of how an ex-rockstar is treated these days, like a fucking ghost. That said, the greater WordPress ecosystem has taken notice of a […]
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