There weren’t any theme updates or new ones to check out today but a host of updates on the plugin side of things. So without further delay, here’s your daily scoop on the updated plugins for January 7th, 2013. … Sheesh, I’m still not used to typing out 2013, you know?
40+ Killer WordPress Desktop Wallpapers
It’s true. We can’t get enough of WordPress here at WP Daily. And yes, we’re those type of people that like to showcase it own our backs (great tshirts via WordCamps!), our bags (pins!), on our notebooks physically (stickers!), and even our desktop wallpapers. My all-time favorite is this one that I’ve had for ages – I honestly can’t remember where I got it and who to give credit to!
Wikipedia to Start Using MariaDB over MySQL
WordPress can be installed on a number of different databases outside of the dominant MySQL but it typically takes a certain level of expertise and even a bit of digital finagling. But without question, most people will find MySQL to be the defacto choice and should serve their needs well. But over the past few years we’ve seen a number of major MySQL sites and players migrate onto other database systems for a variety of different reasons, typically surrounding performance and quickly followed by simply preference – and there’s nothing wrong with the migrations in and of themselves but I’m […]
Should Theme Changelogs Be Required or Recommended?
If you’ve ever created a WordPress Theme, a WordPress plugin, or any software application for that matter, then you’ve probably created a changelog of sorts to help users and other interested parties (e.g. developers) understand exactly what was changed since the last version. For those that aren’t quite sure, here’s a quick definition: A changelog is a log or record of changes made to a project, such as a website or software project, usually including such records as bug fixes, new features, etc. Some open source projects include a changelog as one of the top level files in their distribution. As a programmer myself I know […]
How To Get Started Podcasting
By now, we’ve released a couple of episodes of Hello Dolly with several other episodes in the pipeline. Ultimately we’re looking to publish at least one episode per month. Once we’re in the new office, it should be easier to release more than one per month. At any rate, I thought it might be worth sharing how we record our podcasts – the software, the hardware, and the community – in hopes that it gives a look behind the scenes of the podcast, but more so that it may help you guys jump start your own podcasting efforts.
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