ManageWP, a commercial plugin that allows you to *gasp* manage multiple WordPress installs, has closed it’s first commercial year as a company and has experienced some great growth apparently as they’ve continued to build out their team and their product. They attribute their growth based on two key factors: Their desire to develop all of the innovative new features that the community has asked for Their commitment to providing an exemplary support system Their roadmap is full of new features that’ll decrease load times, improve the overall user experience, and make things more accessible.
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Every week we wrangle together the best links and content around the web. There’s simply too much going on to report about it all in long-form but we want to make sure that you’re aware of it. If you’ve got any suggestions or links that we’ve missed (and we know that we have) please let us know in the comments – we have 25 links so don’t forget to click “Next Page”! We appreciate it guys and love to see all the great content being produced around the globe related to WordPress!
Weekend Projects?
We know that very few of our community actually rest and sleep in on the weekends which makes me simply curious about what you guys are doing this weekend in WordPress? You drafting some blog posts? Are you writing a plugin or building a theme? What are you spending your time doing this weekend? And, more importantly, can any of us help? Love to know what you’re up to! Share in the comments below.
Jane Wells Returns, Changes Role to Focus on Community
Jane Wells is someone many of us have seen in nearly every facet (or so it seems) in the WordPress Community – you’ve probably even shaken her hand or thanked her at a local WordCamp as she’s passionate about doing just that. In fact, the first time I met Jane I remember our first conversation which went like this: Me: Hi Jane. Thanks for all your work with the community, I really appreciate it! Jane: Sure thing. That’s what I’m here for. So how have you made our community better? Me: *Stares at ground* … you know, probably not enough.
Add Liveblogging Capability to Your Blog
The recent update of Liveblog 1.2 couldn’t be better timed as I was looking for something to use in the upcoming WordCamp events in January, especially since we’re trying to find livebloggers for the actual events. The recent update provides a number of compatibility features for 3.5 and introducing new hooks and filters for customization. You can see a full number of changes here in the changelog. You can see a very simple overview of the power of this plugin after the jump as well as my own experimentations: