No sensible person would deny that social media networks are a prodigious source of web traffic. Almost everyone has a Facebook account, whether they like it or not, and many of the most influential sharers on the web regularly tweet. Google+ may or may not have a positive impact on SEO, but a tighter integration with Google certainly isn’t going to hurt. And then there’s Pinterest, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, and more. It might seem foolish to even ask the question “Should I have social media sharing buttons on my site?” because the answer seems self-evident. I’m a firm believer that every component […]
Making Your WordPress Site Accessible to Everyone
Businesses have many things to consider when creating a new WordPress site. They must focus on issues like branding, design, content, SEO, CRO, information architecture, and social media integrations. So—due to this multifaceted development—accessibility can slip between the cracks. If businesses target the average internet user—disregarding the deviants—they’re excluding a large pool of potential customers. There’s no excuse for a modern website to ignore the needs of differently abled visitors. In fact, by implementing a few simple accessibility improvements, websites can easily expand their audience. Apple CEO, Tim Cook, recently said: People with disabilities often find themselves in a struggle […]