As our mobile devices become more sophisticated, so too does our dependency on them. That might seem worrying to some readers, but I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing. Think about all the wonderful apps that have been developed that make our lives easier, and consider the potential apps that might exist in a few years’ time — exciting, right? Now, running a website is seriously hard work, even when using a user-friendly CMS like WordPress. If we’re not careful, it can feel like we spend entire days staring at a computer screen. With this in mind, we could […]
Happy, loyal customers: How to retain eCommerce customers
How do you make an existing eCommerce store more successful? It’s a very good question, and one that many store owners approach the wrong way. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of relentlessly chasing new customers — 500 customers sounds far better than 400 customers, after all. And there’s nothing wrong with this approach really, as extra customers will bring in extra revenue. However, it’s not the easiest way to boost your store’s profitability. Savvy marketers have long realized that it is far easier (and cheaper) to persuade an existing customer to buy from you again than […]
A quick look at Google’s locale-aware crawling changes
The Internet has made it possible to run a website for a truly global audience. This raises the interesting question, though: how do I best serve readers in different countries? For many webmasters, this isn’t a problem at all. For example, here at Torque our content is identical whether you’re based in the US, UK, France, or anywhere else in the world. As long as you can read English, our content will serve you well. Sometimes, however, a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t the best option. Consider an eCommerce store, for example. If the eCommerce store sells internationally, it may need to adjust its […]
How to create a review website: Tips on earning affiliate commission with WordPress
Many people have seen the potential of the Internet for making a living online — some of whom have even make huge sums of money. However, knowing where to start is one of the biggest road blocks faced by aspiring online entrepreneurs. There are so many options, not to mention conflicting advice, that many would-be webmasters simply never take action. Now, because of its theme and plugin infrastructure, WordPress is the CMS of choice for most people — we’ve even written a guide to making money with WordPress. It’s also highly user friendly, requires minimal coding ability, and has an abundance […]
12 Google Chrome browser extensions for WordPress users
Running a WordPress website can be exhausting, so many of us have picked up plenty of tips and tricks over time to help us work more efficiently. Now, most of us depend on WordPress plugins, and perhaps one or two productivity tools, to save time and make our lives easier. However, there’s one thing that many of us ignore when trying to improve our efficiency: browser extensions. That’s right. You can install additional functionality to your web browser, which can help you perform certain tasks that WordPress webmasters need to do on a daily basis. As WordPress Chrome is the […]
Five eCommerce trends to look forward to in 2015
With the busy holiday season long gone, what does 2015 have in store for eCommerce? With online consumers set to spend an eye-watering $1.7 trillion online, retailers around the world have been putting their strategy-hats on in preparation for a busy year ahead. With advancing technology and changing consumer tastes, the marketplace could look very different in twelve months’ time. And, in the fast-paced world of eCommerce, staying on top of the latest trends is a must – those that don’t risk becoming obsolete. Today, I want to take a look at five eCommerce trends we should expect to see […]
11 simple tips to boost your website’s security
When launching a new website it’s easy to get carried away with crafting the perfect design and adding great content. For many, including myself, security is merely an afterthought. However, every year attacks on WordPress websites are growing in-line with the platforms popularity. More worryingly, 70% of WordPress websites have vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. With minimal protection, that means your precious website could be a hacker’s next play-thing – scary, right? Today I want to help you boost your WordPress website’s security with eleven simple tips you can implement right away. If you want to build a successful, sustainable […]
Changes to EU VAT Legislation: How It Impacts WordPress Users
While most of us were busy nursing a New Year’s hangover on January 1, 2015, the EU was introducing new VAT legislation, which could have huge consequences for tens of thousands of online businesses. In a snapshot: this new legislation changes the way VAT is applied to digital products purchased from within the EU. Prior to the changes, VAT was charged in the seller’s country only — meaning only one set of accounts were needed to keep your VAT tax affairs in order. However, going forward VAT will be charged in the country in which the digital product is purchased, making the […]
Google’s Anti-Spam Strategy: No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA
If you’ve spent any amount of time online, it’s likely you’ve been asked to solve a CAPTCHA to verify you are, in fact, a human – this is the awkward-looking, distorted text you have to squint really hard at to solve! And, if you’re anything like me, you probably fail this test more often than not. Google is in a catch-22 situation, really: We all hate CAPTCHA, but we hate spam more. Without CAPTCHAs the Internet would be rife with bots spamming and stealing data from websites. CAPTCHAs aren’t perfect, but they’re an extra anti-spam measure, and a small price to […]
Which WordPress events will you attend in 2015?
WordPress really is an amazing platform, with a huge wealth of online information to help newbie users quickly become competent — there are a number of great resources out there, including the one you’re reading now! As great as the online material is, nothing beats attending a WordPress event, though. Not only do you get a rare opportunity to learn from the industry leaders in person, but you also get the chance to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. This makes them great places to learn the information needed to become a proficient WordPress user, launch a WordPress-related business, or […]