Unless you’ve happened to be living under a really large rock then you’re aware of all the craziness that’s happening around the NSA, Edward Snowden, and all the technology companies that are coming under fire for either contributing to breaches of privacy or being actively investigated. To be quite honest, it’s a little much for me. In principle I’m against anything that gives the government a tyrannical position with our private lives and information. Sounds unconstitutional at the very least. In regards to Snowden I’m mixed. I understand why some call him a hero while others call him a traitor. […]
Twitter API 1.0 Gone: Fix It with 1.1 API Client
Yup, you’ve probably already heard (and already know) that the Twitter’s API 1.0 is now permanently gone. Kaput. Nada. I had many memories with that API and now that 1.1 is here you may be already in the swing of things fixing your applications and possible WordPress Themes and Plugins to adapt to the new protocol. Well, Alessandro Benoit may have saved you some time with a WordPress class to handle Oauth to the new API:
Designers: Send This To Your Clients
Want to know one additional way to get your customers, clients (future clients) to build a decent relationship with you? Perhaps you just need to send them this infographic and let it tell the complete story. This works well with developers too, I might add – anyone doing “creative” work and wants the freedom and flexibility to do their work without someone standing over them (virtually, perhaps) all the time. You see, this is how you woo a designer:
JavaScript Much? Get Better Testing with JSHint
Besides being lovers of WordPress you’re also probably a lover of a few other coding and scripting languages as well, one of which might be JavaScript. It’s now such an essential piece of the web so how could you not? You may already have a good way to test the quality of your code but if not then you may want to check out this detection tool which might be very useful:
What is ManageWP Cooking Over There?
ManageWP, a well-known management solution for WordPress, announced that they’ve got an interesting “community project” that they are launching in 26 days or so. It’s because they love WordPress (no fooling) and is one way to help foster greater community around their neat new initiative. There’s nothing more than that outside of a new domain, ManageWP.org (notice the .org) and a landing page where you can sign up for more information:
WordPress Officially Making Landfall in the Enterprise
After spending much of my life in the enterprise before moving into entrepreneurship and startup world I realized very quickly that titles and the formalities of position really mattered. It’s what makes “climbing the corporate ladder” even possible as there are rungs to walk up and, if you’re talented and lucky enough, to jump perhaps. Your title mattered and it established not just your position within the company – it established a baseline of your role and responsibilities, your pay grade, your access to resources and human capital, you’re ability to build relational equity, and even politicking. Your title preceded […]
Did You Miss These Product, Plugin Updates?
Yesterday was a day of updates for a number of great plugins and solutions and if you’ve already an owner then you may have already updated natively through your system. But if you haven’t (or you’re not a customer yet) here are some of the updates that you missed and perhaps another reason to review these great products that are built by some of our community members here and all-around great people!
Screen Specifications for Popular Devices
Mobile? Check. Desktop? Check. Tablet? Check. Do you have the specific screen sizes for every kind specific device out there? Um… Well… what are the more popular ones? Should you build for those first? That’s not a question that anyone can answer for you but there is a tool that can help you make that decision:
Flywheel Beta Codes… In the Wild!
WordPress niche hosting is getting hot with more and more companies finding their “fit” within the much larger hosting world. We’ve covered Flywheel before, especially with their announcement that they had in fact had raised venture capital, which means they are poised for some big growth in the coming months. Well, we just got notice that the beta codes that they had been teasing are now in the wild! If you’ve signed up then you may already have it in your hot little hands. They are releasing about 200 beta codes each day until every gets in, which is understandable […]
Comprehensive Recap of WordCamp Milwaukee 2013
Every month there are tons of people gathered together at local WordCamps and it’s tough to keep track of all the great content that’s being shared and especially all the presentations and learnings that are being had. So it’s nice to see decent roundups that help provide a one-stop shop for all the presentations at an event, or at least a compiled list of the ones that really knocked it out of the park. Thanks to Brad Parbs, he’s got one for Milwaukee 2013: