They say that entrepreneurs are a rare breed, that if everyone could be one then everyone would be one. I understand why people would believe this to be true but I believe that entrepreneurship can actually be taught instead of just inherited like a magic gene or something else as equally cosmic. In fact, besides mentoring and coaching existing entrepreneurs and walking with them through their current projects and ventures I’ve been spending time helping others fully embrace their inner-entrepreneur and teaching them the mechanics of building their own futures and products. But that doesn’t mean it is easy by any stretch […]
Easily Transfer Posterous Blog to WordPress
As someone who has many friends on Posterous I can understand the pain of Posterous closing down. Many people I know have been facing the decision over what platform to switch their blogs over to. Of course, as a self proclaimed WordPress evangelist I have been doing my part in convincing people to switch to WordPress from their original blogs but there is one issue that remains…how can I easily transfer all my blog posts from my Posterous blog to WordPress? If the thought of copying and pasting hundreds of blog posts makes your stomach turn then worry no more because a few years […]
Import Tweets as Posts or Comments?
An interesting discussion is brewing over at Trac about the new Twitter Importer which many users have been looking forward to for their own WordPress-powered properties: This ticket is to track the development of a plugin that can import tweets from a downloaded archive. Presumably, such a plugin would be added to the importers list on wp-admin/import.php. The gist of the conversations so far that have interested me is the discussion of whether these should be imported as posts, which is the original proposed implementation, or another view presented by Mike Schinkel:
Episode 2: John Hawkins
Show Notes John Hawkins is a long time web developer, WordPress enthusiast, WordCamp speaker and organizer living on the outskirts of Las Vegas with his wife and two teenage children. In 2009 John co-founded 9seeds, a custom WordPress development company. You can find John on Twitter at @vegasgeek. Sippin’ On Brad– Stoli Raspberry and Club Soda Dre– Miller 64 John– Miller Lite Pressing Topics Twenty Thirteen Theme: Mark Jaquith unveils his new theme, Twenty Thirteen. It is up and running in core ready for you to inspect it. VIP Outage and community backlash to TechCrunch article. WordPress crashed for over 5 minutes, causing […]
4 Tips For A Better About Page
Your “About Me” page is probably one of your site’s most highly trafficked pages. It’s the one page that’s almost universal among blogs (and websites in general). Needless to say, your About page needs to make a great impression. Consider the following four tips that may help you improve what you’ve already got:
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 2.19.2013
I’ve got a few new and updated plugins to share on today’s daily roundup. We had a comment from one of our readers about having this or another post that is more of a recommended or featured plugin post. What do you all think? Any interest? If so, any suggestions? Here’s your plugins for the day:
Looking to Hire a WPer? Check Out Post Status.
Brian has created a thread for those that are looking to hire a WordPress-related designer / developer – I cleverly call this: LFWP (Looking for WordPress’er). Head over there and drop your name or company profile in the comments and see if you can get some top-shelf talent. Thanks Brian for doing that. Word to your mothers.
WordPress as CMS – Another Look by Caleb Mellas
Caleb Mellas over at Webinsation had a fairly long post about his perspective on WordPress as a CMS detailing how he thought WordPress ultimately drops the ball from a number of angles. I was going to offer my thoughts in response but since there doesn’t appear to be any direct commenting system available I thought I’d bring the conversation over here (if there’s one to be had). There were a few great points of note on HackerNews as well, to be sure. WordPress has gone through a lot of changes in the past few years and has been moving up the […]
Make Plugin Unit Testing Easier, Quicker
Cristi Burcă, otherwise known as scribu, has shared a fantastic resource for unit testing your plugin with an easy-to-understand system for automating and setting up this “chore” that most plugin developers never really get around to. With a simple command you can download the configure the WordPress testing library and get your testing done so that you don’t have to deal with as many issues when it gets released publicly, because it’s not nice to get hate mail from angry users about your broken plugin, right? [code]wp scaffold plugin-tests <your-plugin>[/code] And I understand it, I really do. I don’t like […]
40+ WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know
If you want to take your WordPress blogging to a whole new level of proficiency, it’s time you learned the many different keyboard shortcuts that are built into WordPress. No plugins needed, this is just another bit of awesome that is WordPress. There are two sets of shortcuts we’ll take a look at, the first being the ones that you can use while composing posts and pages while the second set can be used when you’re moderating comments. If you take some time to learn these, you can really save yourself a lot of time (and amaze your friends!). Here’s the quick and […]
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