It’s been a relative “light” week as I look back on the past 7 days – although we’ve had a record amount of posts published this past week the other sources of news articles has been relatively small. And when I say “small” I don’t mean small-small as there’s always a lot going on. Just compared to the previous week I suppose. I’m rambling. In anycase, here are some great articles that you may have missed that we didn’t cover – and don’t forget to enter into our BlogDroid Giveaway!
Breaking Git History, Rebase and/or Re-Clone
There’s a very active discussion over at Make Core surrounding a proposal from Mark Jaquith to create a proper Git mirror. The issue? Forgetting to use the appropriate authors.txt file. So what is the solution? Proposed: That we re-run the git-svn import with a proper authors.txt file. Upsides – We’ll have a proper Git mirror with good and consistent author data, that we can, if desired, use for a future migration to Git. Commits will be properly attributed in GitHub. Downsides – This will break Git history. If you have a Git checkout of WordPress, either standalone or in a submodule, that’ll mean that you’ll have to rebase your master […]
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