Doc’s WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you. Doc Pop’s News Drop Last week several big announcements were made at GitHub Universe in San Francisco. So we chat about those and the upcoming World Wide WordPress 5K. Love WordPress news, but hate reading? This is Doc Pop’s News Drop. Last week was a huge week for GitHub who made several big announcements during their two day GitHub Universe conference in San Francisco, which was attended by 1500 people. The […]
Doc Pop’s WordPress News Drop: A Brief History of GoDaddy Acquisitions
Doc’s WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you. Doc Pop’s News Drop With GoDaddy’s recent acquisition of ManageWP, we thought it would be interesting to take a brief look into GoDaddy’s recent history of acquisitions. Specifically focusing on those that might be interesting from a WordPress perspective. Love WordPress news but hate reading? This is Doc Pop’s News Drop. (camera shakes) Whoa, what was that? (checks iPhone) Huh, GoDaddy acquired ManageWP. (looks at camera with expressionless face) Today let’s […]
GoDaddy Acquires ManageWP, Community Reacts
On Sept. 1, WordPress management company, ManageWP was acquired by GoDaddy for an undisclosed amount. ManageWP, which will remain entirely platform independent as part of the acquisition terms, first launched in 2012 and currently manages more than 25 million WordPress sites. Why GoDaddy? According to ManageWP, the pricing model and features will stay the same, however, by partnering with GoDaddy the company will be able to offer a hosting service. The deal will make it easier for the Serbian company to stay connected to Silicon Valley. “This is the second largest tech investment in Serbia (after Microsoft) and will mean a lot […]
Which WordPress management software should you use?
Managing multiple WordPress sites is a hassle. There are the regular maintenance tasks you need to take care of, such as updates, backups, and security, in addition to publishing content and moderating comments. The difficult way to manage your sites would be to log in to each site’s dashboard and handle these tasks one at a time. But it is time consuming. That’s why it’s important to use WordPress management software. It makes the task of managing and maintaining multiple WordPress sites simple and fast. Here are 6 of the best WordPress management software currently available. 1. ManageWP ManageWP contains the basic […]
WordPress freelancer tools to help run your business smoothly
It’s important to keep your WordPress business as organized and streamlined as possible — however, this can be challenging when you’re a freelancer, working without employees. Fortunately, there are a number of software tools available that can make running your freelancing business much easier. Anything that can be offloaded to software, should be. This way, you can concentrate on what you do best. Below are a list of the top tools I use every day as a WordPress freelancer. Freshbooks Invoicing is a hassle. But Freshbooks makes it quick and painless. I create all of my invoices within Freshbooks, and then have options […]
10 WordPress Blogs Well Worth the Read
If there’s one thing I love as much as writing blog posts, it’s reading them. And learning about a topic like WordPress is conveyed much more efficiently on a blog rather than on something like a textbook. But make no mistake, I carefully select the blogs I frequent — not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry blogger makes it to my reading list. The main things I look for in blog are: a blogger (s) who knows what they’re talking about, consistent posting frequency, and (above all) high-quality content and depth. So without further ado, I present to you 10 of my favorite WordPress blogs: handpicked […]
3 Ways to Manage Your Plugins
Plugins are my bread and butter. I spend a great deal of time using them, organizing them, and evaluating them. Many WordPress users out there probably have a few groups of plugins they like to start sites off with. One set for client sites, another for blogs, another for test sites, etc. But keeping track of these various groups and manually installing them to every fresh WordPress install can be a bit of a hassle. Luckily, there are a few ways to approach the task. The Simple Way Fortunately, there are tools out there that allow you to group plugins together, and […]
ManageWP’s Recent Updates
Today, it’s not uncommon for users to have multiple WordPress sites. In fact, some users are managing dozens of them! Updating and monitoring these sites can be a tedious—and potentially confusing—task. So it’s no surprise that there’s a growing trend in WordPress-specific management sites, like InfiniteWP, iControlWP, and WPRemote. These solutions function through a centralized console that enables sites to be easily managed, updated, and backed-up—all from one location. By tactfully managing WordPress sites, users can save a great deal of time, and invest more in building content and making money. ManageWP, one of the leading WordPress multisite management tools, has recently […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Whoa. It’s been kind of an “off” week with the big July 4th happening, but that’s ok. We’ll get back on track next week, right? in any case, let’s get down to business, shall we? Oh, and by the way, this is our 30th Weekend Roundup! Wow. Just think about that…
Commercial Plugin Updates Done Right?
It seems like a possibility (and should be). If you’ve been around for a while then you probably have a combination of a number of plugins that have the ability to be updated automatically with the touch of a button (via your notifications inside your dash) and you’ve also got some plugins as well, perhaps even some premium/commercial plugins that need to get updated. The problem, of course, is that there isn’t an easy auto-update capability for the latter scenarios. Gary Pendergast from Automattic has written about some of those exact issues that he’s bumped into via his […]
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