It seems there are more and more players in the WordPress management space than I had originally thought – for example, have you seen WPRemote? It’s another web service that will help you manage multiple WordPress-powered sites and/or blogs for you, keeping you posted on the updates needed for all of them in a single dashboard. It’s very much like ManageWP that also does similar things. I quickly took WPRemote for a spin, got signed up quickly, and was instantly liking the backend UI and general look and feel – it was clean and approachable. But that’s where I started to […]
Android See a New ManageWP App
Hey, as they say: If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it! And that’s what ManageWP has decided to do with their Android port of their iOS app that launched a few months back. You’ll find a near 1-to-1 experience if you’ve taken a look at the iPhone version of their service. What’s neat is that they have a very clear goal in mind for their mobile product development department:
ManageWP Adds Cloning Tool for Migration
ManageWP continues to update their system and service to provide an even more simple migration to their solution by adding a “clone” tool that will help users and website owners migrate. With a “few” clicks you can move your entire WordPress-powered site. I got the notice in my inbox to let me know that it’s now available:
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
In our usual fashion we’re collecting and sharing with you guys some of the news that came through our channels (and that darn Submit News button) that we weren’t able to cover in the past week – there are always great stories and great WordPress-centric content that still deserves a bit of attention. Last week there was a lot of feedback about the style of which we present this information – such as removing the pagination and changing the order of images with titles (thanks @ChrisWallace, @Norcross, @Drewapicture and others. Those were great suggestions and so we’ll test it out […]
ManageWP Update Woes, Operation 'Reborn' Coming Soon
If their current homepage has anything to say about it (as well as their stream via Twitter) then ManageWP is experiencing a few *burps* with their new homepage that they are trying to setup. I’m sure they’ll get it all back together shortly, right? We’ve all experienced this one time or another, so although it completely sucks it’s understandable. I hope their service for their customers hasn’t been interrupted though! Are you a ManageWP customer? Are you stoked?
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
It’s been a very full second week of January as people are definitely back in the saddle and writing and publishing great content. Businesses are attempting to hit their stride as they shake off the dust from the winter break and products are being released left and right. Fantastic for all of us as we continue to grow our own businesses, personal, and professional lives – it’s just tough to keep up with it all! We’ve got nearly 50 resources in this one. Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend and make sure you check out WordCamp Victoria’s Live Coverage as well!
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Wow. It’s like everybody and their mother decided to make the first week of the new year a blogging week! There have been a lot of updates this past week and even more that don’t directly related to WordPress and/or Automattic proper news, but we of course want to provide the best roundup possible so you can still be encouraged, find great resources, and be an even better WordPress uers! Let us know if we missed anything! For your knowledge, we have 36 links in this update, so don’t forget to hit “Next Page”!
ManageWP Finishes It's First Commercial Year, New Features
ManageWP, a commercial plugin that allows you to *gasp* manage multiple WordPress installs, has closed it’s first commercial year as a company and has experienced some great growth apparently as they’ve continued to build out their team and their product. They attribute their growth based on two key factors: Their desire to develop all of the innovative new features that the community has asked for Their commitment to providing an exemplary support system Their roadmap is full of new features that’ll decrease load times, improve the overall user experience, and make things more accessible.