Last week we introduced you to AudioTheme, a sweet new WordPress plugin and framework that’ll help artists, bands, and labels get their content seen and their music heard. The fellas over there decided to go one step further an offer our sweet community here a shot at getting copy of it for just being awesome. They are giving away 3 copies of the premium plugin, 1 for each level (Personal, Professional, Developer):
Introducing AudioTheme: Let Your Website Be Heard
Music is made to be heard just like ideas are written to be read. For far too long, musicians looking to establish an online presence have had a tough row to hoe. Whole companies are based on serving specific subsets of their needs, leaving them to cobble together the fragmented pieces into something that resembles a website — without ever really owning their data. While WordPress is a powerful publishing platform, it’s not specifically geared towards the needs of artists without a significant amount of work. It’s easy enough for a skilled developer to throw a solution together, but too […]
Responsive, Touch-Friendly Audio Player
Although MediaElement.js is being added to core in 3.6 there are some that will always favor developing or integrating their own flavor, despite the increase of native features as well as newer oEmbeds like Rdio and the like. I happened across this free touch-friendly audio player and thought it would be good to highlight, just as a point of reference at the very least for those audiophiles among us.
Rdio oEmbed Support in 3.6, Spotify In?
Andrew Nacin shared publicly last night the fact that Rdio support will be in 3.6 via oEmbed: Yes, @Rdio oEmbed support will come in WordPress 3.6. See . The issue is @Spotify does not offer an oEmbed endpoint. He also directly pinged Spotify with a request: Yo @spotify, if you add an endpoint (mad easy) for the Play Button, it’ll be included in the next @WordPress release. I’m not a user of either Rdio or Spotify (am I missing out on something or what?) but from the responses it would seem that many of you are.
Behind the Scenes: Sony, Japan, and Headphones
One of the things that are absolutely essential to my personal workflow is music – I’ve shared here, here, and especially here about this in the past. There’s almost no time where there isn’t some music playing in our office or in our own personal eardrums. I tweeted the other day though my particular headphones that I use and I got enough responses asking me what they are in particular that I decided to share it via a post. The issue is I spend an hour of time trying to actually find the exact pair that I own and sadly they are […]
Behind the Scenes: #Headsdown When you work long enough with some people you start to develop cultural habits or signs that help facilitate productivity and team work. These things aren’t written down anywhere and they are hard to identify at times but they exist and they are there sometimes for the good and sometimes they can be very detrimental. But when they help enhance productivity, creativity, and team work, then you have a winner. One obvious and explicit thing that happens with our team is what we call the #headsdown mode – we may even tell each other in our back-channel that we […]
Behind the Scenes: Finding Focus in a World of Distraction
Getting stuff done is difficult to begin with especially with all the distractions that exist in both the real life and the digital. Trying to run a successful and growing editorial blog is tough work – I mean, let me be frank, it is really hard. It takes a lot of time, effort, and some guts to do it, especially if you’re trying to (at some point) earn a living through it. As a result, you have to take all the breaks you can get! I’ve got a few quirks and personal preferences but I share must-have strategy for myself to […]
Justin Timberlake Loves WordPress
Apparently this matters – and, why not? Because he’s using WordPress for his site, wah! Justin Timberlake released a new single recently, Suit & Tie, and he’s made a big deal about it, even doing a pre-release video to hype it up:
More Musicians, Artists Coming to
Remember MySpace? Yeah, that website. It was the hot shiz for musicians and artists back in the day. One of the best decisions I ever made was turning down an offer from Fox Interactive Media to oversee product at MySpace. The choice was actually easy as they wanted me to move to LA and my wife has never been a fan – so we stayed in Austin, TX which was a much better choice. The point of that is to say that MySpace was the place for music artists and I hope that WordPress can take that charge and be so much […]