The great videos from WP.TV keep on coming and two recent uploads that are worth a few moments of your time if you’ve got a second strike at the very heart of great online publishing in two ways, the first is simply the power of story and the second is how content curation can make you a better writer. Without question, we are engaged more when there’s a great story being told. It doesn’t require much more than an accurate depiction of what is happening in our lives. We are living some of the greatest stories but very rarely do people […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Hope you guys are getting ready for the weekend because not only is it a holiday (if you’re in the US) but Monday is the 10th Anniversary Party! Dig it! So until then, chew on some of these links while you wait to party!
What Matters Most: Numbers or Influence?
It has become quite apparently lately to me which is truly a winner in this battle and all of us already know this, but I want to share with you my personal testimony as to why it is and always will be true. Influence is most definitely what matters most. There seems to be this premature obsession with gaining popularity or numbers to reach what you “think” are your goals, but with time I like to believe that all of us realize what a true and admirable goal can really be. Let me first tell you my story of victory of influence […]
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