The team’s been having a lot of fun recording Hello Dolly and we’re stoked about the comments, emails, tweets, and phone calls we’ve been receiving (yes, even the pranks!). In this episode, John, Chris, Jared, and I all sit down to talk about the upcoming WordCamp Atlanta, some of our thoughts on other publishing platforms (such as Tumblr and Svbtle), and take a call from Chris Brogan about pop overs and permission based marketing. For a a more detailed recap, be sure to review the show notes and check out the links we’ve provided; otherwise, listen up, tune in, or do […]
My Fortunate Discovery of WordPress and Why I Stuck Around
When I was thinking about starting a blog, I had no knowledge of the various platforms available to me. And I only knew of a few folks that were blogging at that time. One was my wife, and the other, a friend. My wife was on Tumblr and my friend was using With the wide variety of platforms available, how does one know which platform to choose? I can’t even quantify how I made the choice, but I decided to go against my wife and went with WordPress. I’d like to say it was a wise decision, but I […]
Creative Market: Etsy-like Marketplace for WordPress, More
We are always fascinated (and at times concerned) with the growth of the theme marketplace at large – it seems that everyone and their brother is coming up with not just one theme but multiple themes and then throwing them into an existing marketplace or starting their own. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it makes sense for many authors to do that which helps streamline their business process and can save them an incredible amount of time and energy, but what I’m saying is that the level of creativity and innovation that surrounds theme marketplaces is a bit stale. […]