As Marty mentioned in his plugin roundup, 2012 was an exciting year for WordPress users and, in particular, plugin developers. With plugin development on this rise in the WordPress community, with individuals and premium WordPress shops diversifying their offering away from being purely themes, there is a wealth of ever-growing knowledge and development happening in the plugins space. As a WordPress developer, I take great joy from developing and using plugins that are clean and simple in their intention and perform one or two simple tasks. I also appreciate elegant code and scalable solutions, provided by WordPress plugins, for common […]
New Look to VIP Plugin Directory Released
It’s now even easier to browser the incredible collection of WordPress plugins that are available to VIP customer as well as self-hosted users of WordPress. This curated list of plugins help some of the larger WordPress installations stay engaged with their community with neat features, functionalities, and value. The obvious incentive for you to use some of these plugins is the confidence that comes with knowing that they were produced, developed, and released in part by Automattic themselves (or highly endorsed and audited) for their paid customers. That confidence alone puts these plugins on the top of the list as […]
Windows Phone 1.9 Submitted for Review!
It could be live in a week or so. Love seeing this active development! Looking forward for the announcement and stay tuned here for more info. And back to work…
What’s on your WordPress Desk?
The perpetual argument- Mac or PC? Coffee or Tea? Messy or Clean? I set out to solve these great questions (or at least take an unrepresentative, statistically irrelevant visual survey for fun). A number of folks in the WordPress community of developers and designers were asked to send over photos of their desks as they were at the moment, no cleaning allowed. Now you can get a behind-the-scenes look at all the glorious screens, tchotchkes, and other developer do-dads that power the WordPress community and answer the above questions for yourself! Thanks to the following community friends who took a […]
Why Facebook Comments Are A Bad Idea
I am a firm believer that you want everyone to visit your website that can. Why on earth would you limit your possible reader base? As a blogger, and a CSS neat freak, I always aim to make my sites as fast as possible. It’s great for SEO, it’s great on your host, but most of all it’s awesome for your readers. As a blogger, server admin, or whatever it is you do with your Platform, should always reconsider changes you have made in the past. Always! This is where the Facebook Comments come in. It is another plugin? Does […]