Last week, WooThemes released the latest version of their market-leading eCommerce plugin, WooCommerce 2.4. Named “Helpful Hedgehog,” the update focuses on the WooCommerce back-end, with an array of features aimed at making setting up an eCommerce store easier than ever before. Now that the dust has settled, it feels like this a great opportunity to take a look at some of WooCommerce 2.4’s main features. Note: since the release of WooCommerce 2.4, WooThemes has released three subsequent patches, fixing the known problems. The current version of WooCommerce is 2.4.3. WooCommerce Easy Setup Wizard An eCommerce plugin like WooCommerce is intrinsically […]
Physical Web First Look: Google Releases Chrome 44 For iOS
Hot on the heels of last Tuesday’s Chrome 44 release for desktop, on Wednesday, Google released Chrome 44 for iOS, available from the app store. Although the latest iOS update saw patches for 43 known critical security vulnerabilities, the headlines understandably focused on two new features: Improved navigation, Safari-style Physical Web support Today I want to take a look at the new features, as well as talk a little more about the Physical Web project. Swipe Navigation The users spoke and Google listened. Chrome 44 for iOS will enable users to swipe left and right to navigate forwards and backwards through their […]
Learn WooCommerce: WooThemes And SIDEKICK Partnership Announced
WooThemes have announced a new partnership with WordPress training experts, SIDEKICK. This means WooCommerce users will now have a new way to learn how to use the world’s most popular eCommerce platform—by following along with voice-guided, interactive walkthroughs. WooThemes have created 22 walkthroughs so far, totaling over 50 minutes’ worth of WooCommerce training. The walkthroughs are split into five categories: General Settings Products Checkout and Payments Shipping Taxes This is the latest push from Woo to empower their users to get the most out of the WooCommerce platform, following on from their extensive in-house video walkthrough series. Accessing the Walkthroughs […]
Automattic Wins Cybersquatting Battle For
On Wednesday, Domain Name Wire broke news of another interesting cybersquatting case: Automattic successfully defended their right to use, despite opposition from the Thesis framework developer, Chris Pearson. Although Automattic is a separate legal entity, this case certainly draws parallels to the WordPress Foundation’s legal wrangle with Automattic vs. Pearson According to the legal documents, both Automattic and Pearson were approached by a third-party regarding the purchase of Automattic won the ensuing bidding process with a bid of $100,000, and the domain was transferred into their ownership. In response, Pearson filed a domain dispute with the National […]
First Look At WordPress 4.3 Beta
As we all know by now, WordPress doesn’t stand still. On Thursday, just seventy days after the launch of WordPress 4.2, we started gearing up for the next big update with the launch of WordPress 4.3 Beta 1. The full launch isn’t scheduled until August 18, but the beta is the perfect opportunity to take a first look at the new features. If you want to test out WordPress 4.3 Beta for yourself, all you need to do is install the WordPress Beta Tester plugin. After installation and activation, navigate to Tools > Beta Testing, and select the Bleeding edge nightlies […]
Shortcode Improvements Potentially Coming To WordPress Core
On Monday, the core team announced that they were discussing the potential of committing the Shortcake plugin to the WordPress core. For those unfamiliar with Shortcake, the plugin enhances the way shortcodes are added to your content. From the plugin description, “Shortcake makes using WordPress shortcodes a piece of cake.” But how does Shortcake work, and should we be excited about this news? A Little Background on Shortcodes and Shortcake WordPress users were introduced to shortcodes in version 2.5, and the interface has remained largely unchanged since. Shortcodes offer an intuitive way for users to action complex code with minimal coding know-how—you’ll […]
The WordPress Foundation Sues for up to $100,000
The WordPress Foundation is suing for trademark infringement. The lawsuit targets the use of “WordPress” in the domain, which is forbidden unless permission is granted by the WordPress Foundation—the organization responsible for protecting the WordPress trademarks. The rules couldn’t be more clear, as outlined in the WordPress Foundation Trademark Policy: “Permission from the WordPress Foundation is required to use the WordPress or WordCamp name or logo as part of any project, product, service, domain or company name.” As any experienced WordPress user already knows, you cannot use “WordPress” in your top-level domain: “Under no circumstances is it permitted to […]
Yoast Releases Comment Management Plugin: Yoast Comment Hacks
Today, SEO specialist Yoast has released a brand new WordPress plugin: Yoast Comment Hacks. As the name implies, this plugin adds improved functionality to the default WordPress commenting system, making public some of the functionality already used by the Yoast team. This comes at a time when many WordPress bloggers are turning their comments off for good—now where’s the fun in that? By making the default commenting system more bearable to use, Yoast hopes that their new plugin will encourage WordPress users to value website community. The plugin is split into five modules, each focusing on a different comment ‘hack.’ Let’s […]
Proposed Improvements to the Customizer for WordPress 4.3
Development for WordPress 4.3 is well under way, with the core team already working hard to hit the proposed release date—tentatively penciled in for 18 August 2015. As the weeks and months progress, we’ll get a better idea of what’s in store for the WordPress core in 4.3. We’ve already discussed better passwords, but today I want to focus on changes to the WordPress Customizer. WordPress 4.2 introduced some small improvements to the Customizer by allowing you to quickly and easily switch between your installed themes. The improvements to the Customizer won’t stop there, however, and the next few versions […]
Easy Digital Downloads Official Themes are Now Free
Yesterday, Easy Digital Downloads announced a big change to its business model: all EDD themes will now be available completely free of charge. That’s right: any of the six official EDD themes—including the newly released, Vendd—can be downloaded for free from the EDD theme marketplace. This is great news for anyone looking to start a digital store, as EDD themes are fully compatible with their industry-leading digital downloads plugin, as you’d fully expect. Other than the new price tag, it’s business as usual over at EDD. All free themes will still be updated and will receive the same level of […]
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