Affiliate marketing is an easy way to earn some extra money each month and I’ll be honest I do have a few links to DreamHost on my blog. But, nothing bothers me more than when I stumble upon a site with three affiliate links in every paragraph – that is incredibly annoying!
Moving from Free to a Premium Theme
I’ve only been blogging regularly since January, so I haven’t decided whether a premium theme is worth the investment. Maybe on its 1-year anniversary, I’ll purchase the one that I’ve been eyeing for a while, Standard Theme. All that aside, I’ve been using a variety of free themes on and self-hosted including Pink Touch 2, Publish, and others, so I’m always on the lookout.
2 Things I Learned Moving from to
When I started blogging earlier this year, I wasn’t ready to make an investment on a paid hosting provider so I started a free blog. Free is better right? Not necessarily. With I sacrificed the amazing plugins and themes from the thousands of developers out there and control over advertisements and the lack of support for JavaScript/HTML embeds, except from “secure” sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, and a few others. I also can’t host a video or audio file on without spending $50+ for the VideoPress and more storage “upgrades”. After gathering 36 followers, […]