In October 2020, Google released a brand new version of their Analytics platform: Google Analytics 4. While the only thing that’s changed is the addition of a property, it came with a bunch of exciting features, an updated and in many ways simplified interface, and a shiny new name. In this Google Analytics 4 tutorial, we will dive into all of it! There’s a whole host of complex features to wrap your head around and they add tons of important functionality. Most notably, you can now track both apps and websites, which is a pretty big deal and was a […]
Gutenberg Ecommerce: Using the New Editor for Online Shops
Is Gutenberg any good for eCommerce? The new editor has been out for quite a while now, nearly three years in fact, and has been the default since WordPress 5.0. Reception at the time was and still is mixed; some people say the new editor is much better, while others simply hate it. These polarized opinions have made many people hesitant to make the switch, especially store owners who have their entire eCommerce shop riding on their decision. With three years of development and feature updates, and three years for plugin authors to experiment with the newest WordPress editor, has […]
Media Queries in Responsive Design: A Complete Guide (2021)
Welcome to the beginner’s guide to CSS media queries. In this article, we will take a deep dive into what media queries are, how they work, and how to use them correctly. Contrary to popular belief, they go beyond responsive design (even though this is what will focus on here). In the end, we want you to walk away with the knowledge of how to implement your own media queries to customize the way your site behaves. What Are CSS Media Queries? Media queries are basically a way to write conditional CSS. That means CSS markup that the browser will […]
8 Proper Ways to Hide Elements on Your Website With CSS (2021)
There are certain times when you just don’t want every aspect of your website hanging out in the breeze. That is, you don’t want every templated aspect of a page, post, header, or footer shown in every instance it appears. And while it might seem as though you have to rewrite the template or theme code for each time you want this omission to occur, that’s not actually true. In fact, you can hide elements on your website quickly using just CSS. And it’s actually pretty easy. Today, we’re discussing eight different ways to do so. Each of these options […]
What Are Core Web Vitals? (Plus, WordPress Optimization Tips)
Page experience has become an increasingly important aspect of how Google ranks websites in the SERPs. Page experience constitutes several factors but there are a set of core web vitals that must be accounted for or else your site’s rank will suffer. Understanding core web vitals will help you improve your site’s rank and its overall user experience. Today, we’ll be define what they are and propose ways to improve them on your website. Defining Core Web Vitals Everything we’ll be discussing here today relates directly to page speed and user interaction. That is, Google highly values page speed and […]
CSS Custom Properties: An In-Depth Beginner’s Guide
In this post, we will talk about CSS custom properties, also known as CSS variables. Their usage is becoming more popular. For example, if you open up the style sheet of the Twenty Twenty-One default theme, you will find a lot of them in there. One of the reasons is that their browser support has become very good, making them a valid tool in your arsenal and a useful CSS feature. If your knowledge of CSS custom properties is limited and you’d like to know more, you have come to the right place. In the following, we will talk about […]
17 WordPress Features You Probably Didn’t Know About
Every WordPress update brings a host of helpful new features to the platform, but the sheer volume of them can make them easy to overlook. Gutenberg especially is jam-packed with a variety of hacks and shortcuts, many of them hidden under the hood and inside menus you may not have even noticed before. If you’re not taking advantage of these, you’re definitely missing out, as they can save you a ton of time and unnecessary frustration. From ways to save seconds when writing and page building to little tips that can revolutionize how you use WordPress, here are 17 little-known […]
What is WordPress 5.8’s Query Loop Block?
WordPress 5.8, anticipated to be released in July, takes the next step towards Full Site Editing. This release includes the Query Loop and Page List blocks, which introduce the concept of displaying content dynamically and allow you to build dynamic layouts using new WordPress core blocks. WordPress’s plan for Full Site Editing is to eventually allow users to build all parts of their sites without any PHP using blocks. This includes full control over your page, single post, archive, and 404 templates, as well as areas formerly controlled by themes, such as headers, footers, and sidebars. It will make the […]
How to Uninstall WordPress Plugins Completely & Without a Trace
Uninstalling WordPress plugins: Probably the simplest thing in the world, right? Just click a few buttons and the problem plugin is gone. In an ideal world that would be the case. But the default uninstaller can actually leave a lot of garbage data behind on your site. This ranges from useless tables left in your database to a bunch of little files taking up space in the background. While this usually isn’t a big deal, these leftover files can sometimes cause conflicts or other errors. So what’s the right way to get rid of plugins then? How can you make […]
How Accessible Is The Web?: An Interview with Sanjay Nasta
Accessibility has been a huge conversation in WordPress. It can seem overwhelming to make your site accessible but not doing so will result in missing out on customers. The issue can feel like a tough one to tackle but we sat down with Sanjay Nasta, CEO of Microassist, to look at why and how you can make your site accessible to all. Torque: Accessibility has become a growing focus for websites and mobile apps, especially in recent years (even though many sites are still lagging on implementation). What’s behind this growing awareness? Sanjay Nasta: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) […]