WordPress is an amazing blogging tool. The platform makes creating and maintaining content-centered websites very comfortable and easy. However, the work doesn’t end there. Running a blog is a lot more work than many people think. Putting together amazingly helpful and shareable content alone is a tall order. Getting it into the hands of an audience is even harder. As a consequence, in order to ease the load on the shoulders of bloggers and content marketers, here is a list of essential tools that will make your life a little easier. Tools for content idea generation Content is the meat […]
The ultimate guide to Jetpack
When it comes to WordPress plugins, we all have our favorites. It would probably take you only a few seconds to come up with at least five plugins you install on virtually every website you create. You little nerd, you! I’m no different. Among my all-time favorites is Jetpack by WordPress.com. Initially installed on one of my sites for its excellent stats and analytics feature, by now it has a fixed position on my go-to list of plugins. However, even though I use it on a regular basis, the other day I realized that my knowledge of Jetpack is not […]
Write for Readers or Search Engines? Here’s How to Do Both
Sometimes it can be challenging to keep up with how the rules of the web are changing. Remember when SEO was just a competition on who can fit a keyword on their site more often? Or when many websites suddenly found themselves blacklisted from one day to the next? Or when “content is king” became the official motto of the Internet? Good times. While the rules might be constantly in motion, one thing that has continued to be true is that content is at the core of running a successful website. Yes, other elements of online marketing (such as social media […]
How to Find and Credit Free-to-Use Images for Your WordPress Site
Images. Blogs. The two were meant for each other. Just look at all the benefits images give to blogs: increased engagement (images break up text quite nicely) concept connotation (a picture speaks a thousand words) search engine optimization (when you fill in the alt tag) With all those benefits in mind, it’s hard not to just pick up any image you see fit off Google Image Search. But we both know what could happen when you do that. . .copyright infringement. That’s how these guys at Web Copy Plus ended up paying $4000 in damages for unlawfully using a $10 photo. However, this […]
How to Write Copy for ThemeForest Themes
After having examined and written about hundreds of themes on ThemeForest, I’ve discovered a few key attributes that hallmark the copy of a wildly successful theme. True, if your actual productized theme is lousy, you still won’t be able to sell copies even if you do have amazing copy. But even if you really have crafted a breathtaking WordPress theme that deserves thousands of sales, you still need persuasive copy to go with it. And in my experience, persuasive copy isn’t exactly a WordPress developer’s forte. It’s mine. So without further ado, I present you with a short tutorial to […]