I’m not going to add anything more than what’s been contributed already but we’ve been pinged a number of times about this already – is the new iThemes Exchange that was just launched breaking GPL (or not just being “nice” and respectful)? Man, I sure do find it interesting that v1.0 shares some code written by the team at Shopplugin.net and no author attribution was given in the plugin repository. Specifically alot of the source code in the functions.php file originated from the Shopp project. You should really give an author credit where it is due. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ithemes-exchange/
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day which means that every married man with kids (well, not all of them…) is fretting about doing something legit tomorrow. I’ll probably be at my local Target early tomorrow trying to find some crappy Mother’s Day card that means little more than the ridiculous $4.99 that I will pay for it. Hm… I can do better (and so can you)! Ok, but before that, enjoy our weekly roundup. 🙂
Font Awesome Now Available in Plugins Repo
Apparently there have been a few “snags” to get Font Awesome into the plugin repo that I wasn’t aware of but it makes sense since it’s license under SIL Open Font License. For those that don’t know, Font Awesome is a pictographic font set of 220 icons that are both infinitely scalable and screen reader compatible. Very quickly, before you get all crazy with the idea that the plugin repository is accepting “non-GPL” plugins, the SIL is compatible with the GPL. Ipstenu breaks down the specifics for you: The Font Awesome font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License […]
Spooky: SkySQL and MariaDB Combine to Form… MySQL?!
I don’t know why I find this odd but I really, really do. If you’ve done any work with the self-hosted version of WordPress then you’re already intimately aware of MySQL, the preferred database of connecting the core application to a relational system to make all of that “magic” work. And in less than 4 weeks it’ll turn 18 years old – I suppose it’s just graduating High School at this point. During it’s storied history though it’s gone through a lot from being bought for $1B by Sun Microsystems and then experiencing an Oracle acquisition for 7x that less than […]
ThemeForest: 100% GPL, WooThemes to Join
And we all saw this coming. With all the news surrounding Envato, the GPL, and licensing, it was only a matter of time for the official announcement to drop, with the added bonus of having WooThemes join up as a launch partner: We’re happy to announce today that authors on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon can now choose to license their WordPress items through a 100% GPL option. To help us launch this new feature, we’re excited to have one of the most well known and respected theme outfits joining ThemeForest’s ever growing library — WooThemes! This is a day that many […]
We Need Someone to Liveblog WordCamp Miami!
WordCamp Miami is just around the corner and it’s looking to shape up into an incredible experience for those that are making their way down south. And looking at the schedule and the calibre of speakers I’d say that it’s going to be well-worth anyone’s time! One talk that caught my attention this morning was via Siobhan McKeown’s blog and her talk about the GPL that got me very excited: What I will be looking at is the history of the GPL, what it is, what it means for WordPress, and how it became part of the project. There are some […]
Mojo Themes Goes 100% GPL
Mojo Themes has been around for a little bit of time – over 3 years to be precise. They’ve grown quite a bit in the last year and the growth doesn’t seem to be stopping. Which is why they announced yesterday that due to growth and how they, as a company, impact the WordPress community, they are going completely GPL: We are currently working towards having our licensing change to be fully compliant in regards to WordPress products. With the change we would have all WordPress themes and plugins sold on any MOJO Marketplaces will be licensed under the GPL. This is […]
The Story of BusyBox and The First GPL Lawsuit
I’m near-infinitely curious about open source technology and how that impacts us not at just a microscopic leve but also a macroscopic as well – how it’s changing not just how I see software and product development but how it’s changing the landscape of publishing as a whole. That’s why I spend time looking into and understanding licensing and the licensing issues (especially around the GPL) and find interesting comparisons between WordPress and other CMSs and their challenges (like Joomla’s Civil War). With Joomla’s and WordPress’ issues with licensing it can be hard, at times, to understand what exactly the […]
PressBooks Goes Open Source
PressBooks, that incredible WordPress plugin that helps authors create ebooks, PDFs, and web-based books with a few clicks has announced that they are going completely open source with a full GPL 2.0 license. It’s been in the works for quite some time and many have wondered when it was going to drop (if ever) but Hugh McGuire has silenced those critics a few weeks ago with his announcement. The reason? Simple: For book publishing to evolve to fully embrace digital, we need open tools that allow for experimentation with new technologies, and new models, business and otherwise. We are building […]
Joomla's Historical Civil War and Why We Should Care
The dust has cleared in more than a few ways since the GPL debate became a big discussion point in the last few months and I believe everyone is breathing a little easier knowing that some of the major issues have been resolved. Or, at the very least, things are moving back to a point of equilibrium among the larger parties involved. The active and passionate discussion will continue to circle over our heads since we’ll never be completely clear of it as long as WordPress continues to be licensed under the GPL. What’s fascinating is to note that these […]