Gravity Forms got a lot of updates in the last few days and I’m happy for it because we are using that great plugin in both of our new MVP sites, our Job Board and Pros Network. They’ve come out with four (yes, 4!) updates and/or new releases to their add-on assortment that continues to make this plugin a very catchy purchase – and without question we’ve already gotten our money’s worth.
Donation Plugins: Make Your Fundraiser a Success
Starting a fund-raising campaign on your blog to save your neighbourhood park, trying to raise donations for a diabetes awareness drive, want to get others to contribute towards victims of a natural disaster through your WP site and need funds for it? Sometimes it’s all about finding the right resource to do it effectively, safely and securely on your behalf. After all, everyone who donates, wants to know that their money is in the right hands and has reached its intended destination. And you too, want a great plugin for accepting donations, one that takes care of all your worries. […]
Easy Digital Downloads Adds Recurring Payments
Pippin has announced the release of the newest module and extension available for his very successful Easy Digital Downloads plugin – recurring payments! With this module you’ll be able to have people sign-up for subscriptions for recurring revenue on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly payment cycle. You’ll get payment tracking, reporting, limitation for downloads for users, and even find integration with the Restrict Content system that he has. Although it’s only available for PayPal Standard at this time he’s looking into bringing PayPal Pro and Stripe integration soon.
Impressed: My First Look at Tackk
Tackk is one of those web applications that when I first heard about it and tried it out I was nearly offended about how easy it was to start creating content. In fact, there was no buffer between me and my first engagement and the publication layer at all – you instantly get hit with a demo area and are asked to start playing around. But I realized that this was a brilliant way of getting new users to understand explicitly how the software works and how it can help them start building a simple page of interactive content. What the […]
WP Engine Says Goodbye to Paypal
WP Engine has just shared that it’s not longer accepting Paypal as a payment for billing and moving forward with another implementation. Unfortunately, PayPal has become an obstacle to our commitment to a hassle-free customer experience for you, and to keep up with this commitment, we’ve unfortunately had to stop accepting payment via PayPal. As with these situations, it’s never one single thing, but a stream of problems that affected various customers over an extended period of time. The problems ranged from failed transactions, which is bad, to duplicate transactions that billed customers twice, which is REALLY BAD. The time it took […]