One of the biggest barriers of entry for new users looking to contribute to WordPress core development is Core Trac, the bug and issue tracker for WordPress. Thanks to the efforts of Andrew Nacin, that barrier of entry has been lowered a bit with some great improvements in the new year. Trac has had a bit of a facelift, both aesthetically and functionally, to make it a bit easier to navigate and use. Thought it might be good to check in and let you know what’s new. The most obvious change is the few design tweaks that were made. The […]
Better Subscriptions to Trac Tickets? Yes Plz.
Anyone who’s subscribe to any of core trac or wp-svn knows that there is a lot that’s getting sent around to inboxes everywhere. Most likely you have your own inbox/email rules setup so you don’t drown in some of the information and data-flow that can be quite large at times. Although there is already a decent of signal-to-noise ratio, to a certain extent this is just part of being subscribed to those hoses and there’s very little you can do about it. This is why it’s pretty important that those that manage and oversee those distros and lists keep them clean and […]
Say Goodbye to ‘Admin’ User for Good? Good!
After the obviously-large brute force attack on thousands of WordPress blogs we have all been dramatically reminded (some more than others) that security is a must-have for WordPress sites. Not only that, it’s forced many of us to rethink the level of security that WordPress natively brings to the table and, of course, whether it’s “enough” to stop a massive attack from being effective again. I love how the community, together, has come up with a variety of resources, plugins, and suggestions that will not only stabilize and future-proof against entry but has also come up with solutions that target […]
Import Tweets as Posts or Comments?
An interesting discussion is brewing over at Trac about the new Twitter Importer which many users have been looking forward to for their own WordPress-powered properties: This ticket is to track the development of a plugin that can import tweets from a downloaded archive. Presumably, such a plugin would be added to the importers list on wp-admin/import.php. The gist of the conversations so far that have interested me is the discussion of whether these should be imported as posts, which is the original proposed implementation, or another view presented by Mike Schinkel:
Base Theme for WordCamp Updated, SVN and Trac
Brandon Dove has shared news that the SVN repo for the WordCamp Base Theme has been setup! For those curious about what’s powering it all you can now jump in and take a look as well as share your ideas and genius on how to make it even better. You can go there directly via SVN and Trac but make sure you don’t post any tickets quite yet since the WordCamp component isn’t finalized. It’ll be soon though.
How I Got More Involved in the Community in 2012
In addition to my WordPress development goals in 2012, another one I had was to get more involved in the WordPress community—whatever that looked like for me. This ‘community’ is constantly trumpeted as the backbone of the project itself, but I felt overwhelmed figuring out how to take the first step. To be honest, I was also afraid I’d make quite a fool of myself. I’m not a world class developer (yet, hopefully), I’d only given one public tech talk, I had no idea how Trac worked, and I’d never submitted a theme or plugin to the repository. From the […]
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