With the release of WordPress 4.0, the plugin installation experience saw a bit of an upgrade to make it more user friendly. This means users will be turning to the WordPress.org repository and WordPress admin more and more to browse and discover new plugins. As a plugin developer, making sure that you have all of the proper assets, a banner, an icon, and screenshots is a great way to ensure that users will understand what your plugin does, and make it stand out in search results. Now is probably a good time to take stock of the image assets that […]
A Review of WordPress 4.0
On September 4, 2014, WordPress 4.0 was released to the world, named “Benny” after much-loved jazz musician Benny Goodman. Now that the dust has settled, I’ve been able to spend some time with the new WordPress 4.0 to get a feel for the new features, and I’m ready to give my verdict. For those of you expecting huge leaps forward as we jump from WordPress version 3 to version 4, you might be a little disappointed. There doesn’t seem to be any more new features than you would find in a typical WordPress update, like, for example, the jump from […]
The Plugin Installation Experience Gets an Upgrade in WordPress 4.0
It’s here: WordPress 4.0. As some of you know, my main passion in WordPress happens to be plugins, and above all, plugin discoverability. And WordPress 4.0 has made some great strides in this area, adding a completely new plugin installation experience that makes it easier to sort and find the plugin you are looking for. To see what the new plugin installation interface looks like, you can visit Plugins -> Add New after you have updated to WordPress 4.0. You’ll notice some pretty big changes right away. The most noticeable change is an upgraded UI, where installable plugins are arranged […]
WordPress 4.0, “Benny,” is Now Available
WordPress 4.0 has arrived! The release of 4.0 — honorably named “Benny” after jazz and swing musician Benny Goodman — was led by Helen Hou-Sandí, with the help of a whopping 275 contributors, which according to the announcement is a new high. 4.0 brings with it a slew of new features aimed to enhance the overall writing, creating, and publishing experience in WordPress. Here are some of the highlighted features: Managing your media uploads in the library is more seamless than ever — now displaying media in a beautiful, endless grid. Embedding content on WordPress is now an effortless task, and offers an expansive […]
A Glimpse into the Future of WordPress from WordCamp Milwaukee
This year’s WordCamp Milwaukee featured an array of impressive speakers who discussed trending topics on WordPress business and development. The speakers even included a presentation on Joomla and how to use other PHP frameworks to overcome the limitations of WordPress. A few weeks ago, I wrote about what you can expect in WordPress 4.0, but at WordCamp Milwaukee last weekend I actually got a glimpse into what the future of WordPress has to offer. Presentations by Andrew Nacin, one of the lead developers of WordPress, as well as the lead developers of the REST API project, Ryan McCue of Human […]
On the WordPress Content Modeling Problem
Last week, there was a bit of a stir regarding WordPress’s upcoming 4.0 release. Raelene Wilson started it off with a post about the “underwhelming” nature of the newest release, especially when looked at from the point of view of an average user. Pippin Williamson rebutted with a post on the importance of refinement in WordPress development, getting features 100% of the way there. Then came a sort of response from Chris Knowles outlining a roadmap of potentially more ambitious features. Many oft-cited questions came up again. Should WordPress remain backwards compatible? Does WordPress need a more refined vision? Is WordPress moving […]
WordPress 4.0: What’s Coming and How to Get Involved
The launch date for WordPress 4.0 is still over a month away, but its exciting new features are starting to take shape. The major changes in 4.0 are improvements for embedded media, internationalization, and improving the user experience for plugin installs and the media library. With a target release date of August 27, 2014, there is still plenty of time to get ahead of the changes—to ensure that your site and any plugins or themes you’ve developed are compatible—and even contribute to its development. Keep in mind that until 4.0 is actually released, anything can change, but now is a good time to get […]