11. Advertisers Guide to Mobile Advertising (Click for Larger View)
Worth a review for those that have mobile-enabled or responsive sites and consider advertising.
12. ManageWP’s Plugins of the Year
100 of them. Yep.
13. Noupe’s Best Free WordPress Themes of 2012
50 of these too! Neat round-up including links to demos.
14. Pippin’s Year in Review
Pippin shares how this year was a great year where he took his plugin business to new heights. We covered it but it’s really worth another read since it can really encourage you to make this year the year where WordPress really powers your career (and pocket book).
15. Justin Tadlock’s 2013 Goals
Justin has been a big part of the WordPress ecosystem and it’s neat to see him layout his goals beyond just WordPress. I think it reminds all of us that although WordPress is a significant part of our lives it isn’t everything – we’ve got all this other stuff too!
16. Helen’s 2012-2013 RoundUp Post, Jetpack
Just like Justin’s, Helen is another prolific blogger and WordPress super-user/developer who constantly sharing her fresh (and raw) perspective.
It’s probably worth noting, for example, her blog post about Jetpack as well that has gotten a lot of attention.
Oh, what fun the internet banter is (check the comments).
17. How to Add Apple App Store to WordPress
A few neat plugins that create some interplay and functionality between your blog and the Apple App store like embedding apps with shortcodes, etc.
18. Observations on UI/UX Experience
lessbloat shares a neat walkthrough of two users and their experience with WordPress, noting the challenges that they have. It’s a neat look into how we’re making WordPress even better.
Check out the two video captures of their experience: User 1 & User 2.
19. Exploring New Mobile Designs
As you can see from the above designs, there are some neat new ideas on the horizon. Sweet!
20. Mobile Dev Chat for January 2, 2013
In regards to mobile, here’s a review of what the chat was like while discussing mobile.