Hope you guys are getting ready for the weekend because not only is it a holiday (if you’re in the US) but Monday is the 10th Anniversary Party! Dig it! So until then, chew on some of these links while you wait to party!
Remember: We're All In It Together
There’s been a thought brewing in the back of my mind for a couple years now, and after reading Give Back, It’s our Responsibility, Opportunity just a few weeks ago, I felt compelled to write about it. I’m talking about collaboration over competition, that we’re all in it together.
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
It’s been a pretty crazy week here at 8BIT and WP Daily but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t bee fun – we’re having tons of fun getting tons of stuff done, I just wish we had an extra few hours in each day to get it all sorted! This probably isn’t too far from what you guys are experiencing so I’ll just leave it at that, but I hope your resting his weekend and finding time to hang out with those that matter, like your friends, your family, and your bed. I know that I’ve already had my share […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Crazy week, right? It’s been one for the record books for me personally as I’ve been attempting to finalize a Kickstarter campaign and project that has pretty much hijacked my entire life. At some point I’ll have a massive retrospective, but I’m exhausted with only a day or so to go. But naturally there’s been more news than just Kickstarter project – here are some of the things that happened this previous week that you may not have gotten to see. Oh, and by the way, make sure you’re aware of the big super bot that’s attempting to access your […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
What a week it has been my friends! I’m not so sure about you, but this past week nearly killed me – trying to get back into the “groove” of things gets harder and harder and harder. But we survived the first week of April, didn’t we? On to the next one!
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Yet another incredibly busy week for us at WP Daily and the rest of the 8BIT team – as much as we hate to admit it, we’re still somewhat recovering from WordCamp Atlanta that finished a few weeks ago – all those calls and meetings and things that we had hoped to get done were pushed back and we’re finally knocking them out, one-by-one. But we’ll get there. I’m sure of it. Without further ado, here’s a look at the past week and some of the stories that we weren’t able to cover explicitly:
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
This past week has been an absolute blur – busyness hit an all-time high today as I had a keynote at a conference early in the morning, my daughter’s soccer game, and 3 back-to-back-to-back birthday parties and then my wife had a girl’s night out while I took care of the kids. Whew. I’m drained. But it’s a “good” type of drained, you know? Hope you’re having a great weekend yourself. With that, here’s your Weekend WordPress Roundup:
Podling – Like P2 But Faster Setup, Lower Friction
Because we work in a virtual environment with my team at times (as well as our extended team) we use a social application called SocialCast that helps us facilitate our internal communication needs. We once used Yammer but found that to be a complete failure for more than one reason. But I’ll admit, we did try the P2 Theme in hopes that we could use yet another WordPress-powered solution for our business. It didn’t pan out to be something that was as robust as we needed and we didn’t want to take the time to develop additional features that would work for us – […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Hope you guys had a great week! It’s already into March, can you believe it? We’re nearly 25% of the way through 2013. Someone pinch me, seriously, because it’s moving way too fast. Here’s your weekly rundown of what you may have missed that wasn’t explicitly covered here on WP Daily. Let us know if we missed anything or if we need to subscribe to a particular blog and what not! I think you should at least take a look at #3, $22, #24, and #26. Those are must-reads, especially #24 on remote management.
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