Starting a new habit is a tough business, and big business. There are hundreds of apps, courses, books and programs to help you start good habits yet in spite of all these things it is still MUCH MUCH easier to start a bad habit and lose your good habit than start a good new habit which lasts longer than just a few weeks. Well this app from is a great app that uses a few psychological triggers to help you build a daily writing habit that you can stick to for good.
Using a Mobile Device (Android) to Edit Your WP HTML?
With tablets increasingly becoming the device that people use (all be it with the addition of a bluetooth keyboard in some cases) and smartphones becoming the first computer that people own, it begs the question of whether they can replace your computer as your only device. In the past we’ve looked at blogging from just a smartphone and the new android applications that allow your average blogger to write a good post, attach an image, reply to comments and even check the statistics from their different accounts. But today we’re looking at going one step deeper; not just writing blog […]
Blogging with Your Phone… with Casetop?
If you joined me a few months back you might recall my adventure blogging with just my Smartphone and a Bluetooth Keyboard. I managed to get by but it was always a case of getting by and not unnoticeable or thriving. However a new Kickstarter project might just be a way to change things from surviving to thriving.
Did You Celebrate the 20 Anniversary of the Web?
If you’re an internet geek (which, let’s face it, you are because you read a site about WordPress) then you have probably been accosted by the fact that today is the 20th anniversary of the World Wide Web. Well technically Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW a couple of years before at CERN and just a few day ago CERN released the WWW in Royalty Free public domain. Twenty years ago, a team of researchers shared the Web with the world. Now they want to show a generation that grew up online what it was like in its earliest days. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as […]
Get App Store Buttons on WordPress Site
If you run a site blog that deals with reviewing apps then you probably want to give your readers the option to install the app as soon as they finish reading. The only problem is that a line of text isn’t the greatest call to action ever. So what can you do? Well you could just use an thumbnail image and link that image to the app but even then you reader still has to go through the installation process on the site. What if there was a widget where a reader could install the app straight onto their device […]
Alternative Educational Themes to Chalkboard
Remember a little while ago put out it’s education initiative that looked a lot like just a WordPress theme called “chalkboard” which looks a lot like a classroom chalkboard. Automattic obviously read the education studies that show Chalkboards magically help people learn information. Some people have come out as very critical of this move into education by just putting out a theme without any new enhanced functions to assist online learning but what about some of the other premium themes out there? Are there other educational themes that are better for using in your classroom?
Yup, I Survived a Whole Week of Mobile Blogging
Last week I had a weeks partial holiday where I travelled back to the UK (and then on to Barcelona). I saw partial as there was work that I needed to do but I still kept a long period free of any work. I love travelling light in airplane and usually take a laptop with me so I can work and be entertained on the go. However, after my review of MP6 and getting a Note 2 I thought it would be a great chance to test how easy it would be to blog just from a mobile phone. So before I […]
Is MP6 a Better Mobile Interface?
One of the core elements in a new User interface has to be that it is easier to use on a mobile device. People are using mobile devices more for content consumption and content production but so far (as an android users) I haven’t really been convinced enough to make the switch to using my tablet or phone [or more recently Phablet in a Glaxey note 2] to produce web content. The main issues have been prolonged writing on a touch screen keyboard auto correct spelling image positioning editing text The Native app addresses some of these issues, providing a simple interface […]
Building a Portfolio That Works for You in 2013
If you are a freelancer (and since the economic crash of 2008 it’s more likely that you are) then you need a portfolio to show off to prospective employers. But it isn’t just freelancers who need portfolios, with the concept of a “job for life” all but dead and buried you never know when you are going to need or want a change of job. Some people just set up a blog or “personal branding page” and leave it at that. It’s not a bad thing to do, it will certainly show off your abilities more than not having one, but perhaps you need […]
Bloggers: Are you a Digital Nomad?
I’m sure you’ve all heard about the travel blogger who jets around the world in first class, writes little reviews, make explicitve loads of money and basically is on a constant holiday. For the most part it’s a big con with only a few select bloggers having that much financial security and even then they write a ton to finance it as well but digital nomadism is much more common. Perhaps I feel more connected to this idea having spent the last 3 years living in foreign countries and suddenly realising that I’ve been to over 10th of all the […]
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