Something that’s important to every site owner is conversions. Getting people to your site is the first step but getting them to actually buy something is the main goal. A huge part of convincing someone to make a purchase is writing compelling copy. In fact, copywriting is a fundamental player with regards to running the client cycle which incorporates mindfulness, choice, and backing, as noticed at the familyessay. Here are some tips for writing engaging copy and getting more conversions. Clarity Is Essential If you want someone to purchase a product or service on your site they need to be […]
10 Handy Tools for WordPress Developers
WordPress has numerous tools that enrich its capabilities, which have turned WordPress into a fully-fledged ecommerce platform. What started as a blogging platform now powers 30 percent of the web, all because of the tools that help it run. You can make your website anything you want with just a few additions. Below are some essential and handy tools for WordPress to make the job easier of developers. Log Deprecated Notices When most functions in WordPress are no longer recommended for use, the Log Deprecated Notices is a tool that will list all the series of the depreciated functions even give alternatives. Debug Bar The Debug Bar is a […]
How to Integrate Artificial Intelligence in the Sales Process
Less than a decade ago, the idea of artificial intelligence would inevitably have us thinking about the catastrophic future where machines ruled all mankind. Fast forward a few years, and artificial intelligence is all the rage, albeit with much less dramatic results. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not present in our lives. One area where artificial intelligence is making its mark is sales. According to research, as many as 30 percent of businesses will use AI in at least one fragment of their sales process by 2020. As a sales professional, you should know that there is no way to […]
8 Kinds of Newsletter Sign Ups You Should Have on Your Blog
Email newsletters are a great way to keep customers interested in your brand. In fact, a survey of retail professionals found that 80 percent of them use email marketing for both customer acquisition and retention. Getting website visitors to sign up for your email list can be a challenge, however. Part of what makes this task difficult is the fact different kinds of email users respond better to different types of sign-up forms. To get around this, try different kinds of sign-ups and designs on your site and see what works best until you find the perfect combination. Here are […]
Top Reasons Web Designers Should Consider WordPress
When web designers take up projects, they have the option of choosing from a number of platforms like Drupal, Joomla, Weebly, Squarespace, Wix, WordPress, etc. While all of them have proved to be popular with website developers for a variety of reasons, WordPress has emerged as the contentment management system of preference because of its multiple advantages. Web designers really should choose WordPress for a variety of reasons. Simple to Handle and Update WordPress is extremely simple to learn. So, even if you are new to it there is not much of a learning curve. Apart from being intuitive and […]
Actionable Ways to Drive Conversions to Your WordPress Website
Most website owners understand the importance of driving traffic to a website. It’s the metric that quickly gets webmasters excited as they imagine all those site visitors turning into profit. But the truth is traffic on its own doesn’t really mean much. If it doesn’t convert, then it won’t matter whether the number of monthly visitors is 100,000 or 0. That’s why what you should be paying attention to is your site’s conversion rate instead. But what is a conversion rate, after all? To put it simply, a conversion rate measures how many visitors of your website become customers or […]
How to Strengthen Your WordPress Brand With Your Blog
In today’s digital world, your online appearance can make or break your business. For most people, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the perfect platforms to market their brands and interact with customers. However, if you are serious about developing a good reputation online, social sites are not the best option for you. For one, they don’t give you the freedom to spice up your pages and present yourself in the best way. Self-hosted WordPress sites, on the other hand, allow you to customize your sites and digital presence in multiple ways including adding complimentary themes and […]
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Your WordPress Content Worth Sharing
Starting a blog is exciting. You’ve already come up with your list of keywords and created some excellent blog topics, but what’s next? Well, it’s now time to shape that content. First, you’ll need to look for your targeted readers, ask yourself, “Who will benefit from this post?” Remember that content which suits high school students might not help a group of business professionals. So, always create a list of at least 3 to 4 audiences. Your blog could focus on areas like social media, programming, start-ups, or even design. With a clear demographic in mind, you’ll have […]
10 Recommendations for Creating Best Welcome Emails
On the Internet, there are loads of welcome email examples that might inspire you. Yet, you need to learn the basic tips on how to create effective messages by using welcome email templates. You, certainly, know that welcome emails, or onboarding emails, are the first messages customers receive from a company. So, they need to be informative and personal. This might be your one chance to sell to a new customer. Follow these tips to have effective welcome emails. 1. Apply a descriptive subject line If someone can’t tell who an email is coming from, they won’t open it. Make […]
How to Create a Compelling Image Gallery for Your WordPress Site
If you want to show off a collection of images on your website, a gallery is the ideal solution. Fortunately, WordPress makes it simple to put together a basic image gallery, but if you really want yours to stand out you may need to go beyond the basic option. To do that, you can install a WordPress gallery plugin. This lets you personalize your galleries to meet your exact needs. The NextGEN Gallery plugin, which provides various gallery and album styles along with a host of customization options, is a perfect example. In this article, we’re going to talk briefly […]
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