WordPress powers 30 percent of the web. The CMS is incredibly powerful and easy to customize which makes it the perfect choice for anyone looking to make a new website. Whether you are building a blog or an enterprise site, WordPress can make your dreams a reality. There are so hundreds of thousands of plugins out there it can be overwhleming at times. Here are some of the best tips and tools to make the most out of your WordPress site. Why is it so Important to Have a Rich Feature Set? Though there are hundreds of thousands of plugins […]
Benefits of Migrating from SharePoint to WordPress
Majority of the users are still using SharePoint and Office 365 for their work processes. But the time has come to adopt an alternate approach. The main reason for this migration is that it wasn’t easy for users to work simultaneously since the SharePoint platform wasn’t easy to manage. Microsoft has been sending a clear message that open sites aren’t the main focus for SharePoint or Office 365 for now. WordPress, on the other hand, is inexpensive, popular and has an excellent community support. An exceptional advantage of the WordPress over SharePoint is that you can automatically share your work […]
5 Ways to Make Your Blog More Attractive
With the mindset that content is king, many bloggers occupy themselves with creating and releasing new content almost every day while neglecting another important aspect of their blog, its attractiveness. Although it is possible for your blog to have good traffic and subscribers with a mundane look, this can’t be compared to how well it would fare when it looks attractive. People are interested in the information in your content. But how do you stand out from the crowd of bloggers in your niche and other niches? How do you give your blog a personality that has readers coming back […]
6 Ways to Make Your Blog Stand Out
These days, every person you meet has a blog. Be it for sharing their personal thoughts and feelings or to promote a business or company, blogs have become more and more popular in the last decade and they are a great way to get your message, whatever that may be, out to the community. Although anyone can have a blog and cultivate an audience over time, there are a few ways to make your blog stand out from the crowd. Finding the right balance of unique yet relatable content can be tricky, especially when you are first starting your blog, […]
3 Reasons Your Bad Website is Killing Your Brand
Let’s face it. Your website is a big deal. Your website represents you, but when a prospective customer is on your website, simply put, you’re not there. You’re not sitting with you customer seeing their interactions. You’re not seeing their frustrations and disappointments. And certainly – calling you and telling you about their experience isn’t a priority for your busy prospect. But just because you’re not seeing the issues your customers are having, that doesn’t mean those issues aren’t having a negative effect. Here are three reasons why a bad website is killing your brand. Reason #1: Your customers assume […]
Error Establishing a Database Connection: What It Is and How to Fix It
As we’ve established before, WordPress is an inherently secure platform. However, that doesn’t make it free from problems. You may sometimes come across issues that can be frustrating to deal with, especially if they don’t give you a lot of information about their causes. The Error Establishing a Database Connection issue is a perfect example. This is one of the most common errors you’ll encounter, and while the name implies the root cause, it still leaves you with little information on how to resolve it. Fortunately, the actual solution is quite simple once you know what you need to do. […]
Why WordPress is the Most Adaptable and Inventive Platform Out There
When it comes to Content Management Systems, nothing can be more versatile than WordPress. That is the reason why almost 30 percent of all the sites on the web are powered by WordPress. Ever since it began in 2003, WordPress has become the go-to platform for bloggers and businesses of every size. In this post, we are bringing into your light some of the reasons which make WordPress the most versatile and inventive platform ever: WordPress is Open-Source and Affordable: One of the main reasons why startups and small-business go for WordPress is its pocket-friendliness. The only two things that you need […]
Speed up Your Website Now
Page speed is something that every website owner needs to be concerned with today. Google uses page speed as one of their signals when determining where to rank your website. If your website is quick to load, you will not only offer viewers an excellent user experience but you will also climb up the search engine result pages. To summarize why page load speed is so important, there are a few key factors you need to keep in mind. This includes the following: When Google considers page speed as a ranking factor, it will look at the time to first […]
Top 5 Email Scams For 2018: Gullible People Beware
For as long as email has existed, email scams have also existed. But that being said, email scams have hardly remained the same, because as internet scams, in general, have become more sophisticated with each passing year so have email scams as well. Today, email scams are more deceptive and advanced, and unfortunately also more popular, than they ever have before. While choosing a reliable email host can certainly go a long way to help to reduce the number of scams and bogus emails to hit your inbox, in the end, it’s up to you to be on the lookout […]
How to Stay Focused While Working From Home
Almost all freelance bloggers suffer from lack of inspiration from time to time. It happens for many reasons, but very often, we simply neglect some rules. For instance, an uncomfortable workplace may leave you no motivation to work. Or, you may simply feel tired in uninspired after working for several hours with no breaks. Here are four main things, which will help you to stay motivated and inspired. Surroundings It’s very important that you like the room or part of the room you work in. That’s why, in order to stay motivated for work, you need to create a place […]
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