Want to work for one of the best companies in the world? Automattic, the company behind that blogging software that you use every single day is looking to add 60+ passionate “Automatticians” this coming year – they added 48 new ones last year: 19 developers/systems folk – Those who write code and make sure servers are running. 14 Happiness Engineers – Those who support our users in the forums and answer requests for help. 6 themers and designers – Those who create beautiful themes and sites. 8 in business and operations – Those who work internally with Automatticians and with our VIPs. 2 in […]
Automattic Looking to Add 60+ to Their Team in 2013
2012 was a big year for Automattic, as shared by Matt Mullenweg. Not only did they add more staff but they’ve done so much both on the WordPress.com side as well as the WordPress.org. We’ve covered a few of these highlights previously. In 2012, here are some of the highlights that he made note of: Automattic grew by 48 to their current team. Over 40,000 commits to the various repositories with about half of them on WordPress.com. Saw an incredible growth in terms of unique visits (75MM). 2 acquisitions (one announced and one yet to be). Looking to add at […]
So… What Ever Happened to Blo.gs?
Do you remember Blo.gs? It was acquired by Automattic back in April of 2009 and it doesn’t appear, at least on the outside, that much has happened. I mean, for starters, the incredibly outdated look of the site, the fact that the last news article is dated in April of 2009, and how the FAQ of sorts calls you out if you’re using Netscape as a browser: the site is all jumbled up! how am i supposed to use this? you must be using an obsolete web browser, like netscape 4.x. sorry, the website expects a moderately-standards-compliant browser. What I […]
Koop Moving on From Automattic
Almost exactly 3 years since his first core contribution was committed, WordPress core developer, Daryl “Koop” Koopersmith, announced in a tweet that today is his last day at Automattic. Today is my last day at @automattic. It’s been a wondrous ride, and I’m excited to see where life takes me next. — Daryl Koopersmith (@koop) December 21, 2012 Koop was the leading developer for the front end of the new media uploader in the recently released WordPress 3.5. He has said he isn’t sure what he’ll do next, besides a little time to relax over the holiday season. But he did […]
Top 10+ Managed Hosting Solutions
If you have a self-hosted blog you’re more than likely on one of the larger web hosting providers and they have also most likely served your general needs and you may not have had many problems with them so far. But if you do you may be looking for a little more dedicated support around WordPress than the more generalized web hosting services – that’s where the rise and growth of WordPress-centric managed hosting may come into play. These web hosts specialize in WordPress development, architecture, and support and some are exclusive only to WordPress-powered clients, sites, and blogs. In […]
UK's 3rd Largest Newspaper Goes WordPress VIP
Metro UK, the 3rd largest national newspaper in their region says goodbye to a custom CMS and into our waters with WordPress via Automattic’s VIP Services. Welcoming such a large digital publisher and player makes me smile a ton since this means more and more people, daily, will be getting their content via the best publishing platform on the planet. That’s just a big win for all of us, isn’t it? In addition to the obvious refresh their mobile experience was also updated so their’s a fluidity and consistency with the experience. I checked it out on my iPad Mini […]
LA Times Launches Their Media Kit on WordPress VIP
The Los Angeles Times, a huge media conglomerate and news site, has announced their creation of their Media Kit via WordPress VIP Services, a solution that Automattic provides to much larger sites and blogs. The site, obviously aimed toward advertisers and business relations, boasts a simple presentation including video and relavant content for organizations wanting to do business. This isn’t the first VIP solution that the LA Times has launched as they also have Framework and Hero Complex, a very popular movies and pop culture blog. Check it out below:
WordPress Now Powers 17% of the Top 1MM Sites on the Web
I’m loving this recent news via Matt Mullenweg as he talks with Om Malik of GigaOM via LeWeb Paris 2012. Matt names two things in particular that have been created this opportunity: It’s about responsibility. It’s about creating a sustainable business (Automattic). It is the second way that enables it to stay “large and independent” which I hope that Matt and his team can continue to do.
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