There has been a lot of discussion about streamlining WordPress and making the publishing experience “better” – heck, even talks about forking WordPress itself, which I will never personally remotely attempt. Things like Ghost push the ticket forward a bit but are not WordPress at its core – perhaps it’s small steps that can provide some avenue of attack and perspective? What if we just took away all the “excess” and just got down to publishing itself?
Will You Be Going to the Ghost Meetup?
It seems that things are getting more literal when it comes to the development of the Ghost blogging platform! In the update that just hit John O’Nolan just announced that they are going to meet up next week! This coming Tuesday, the 21st of May, Hannah and myself will be hanging out at Bounce London ( from 6pm onwards. We’d absolutely love to see any of you who fancy coming along for a drink and a chat. No agenda! If you’re in / around / near London – come and meet us and say hi. We’ve got tons of exciting plans […]
Ghost: Partners and Free Node.js Lessons
The story continues to gain steam and excitement for the successfully-funded Kickstarter Ghost project, which is now at a point where they are trying to reach their stretch goals with force and gusto. In a recent update they’ve shared a few key things that make this update pretty special, the first being that they’ve “sold” out their top partner space to 8 great companies, adding atechmedia, MarketPress, and SingleHop to their lineup. Another addition is Code School, which is a great resource for continuing education and for those that may want to start a new career – they are partnering in a neat way where […]
Ghost is Looking To Hit Stretch Goal
By now you’ve heard that Ghost was fully funded in less than one day via Kickstarter, which is an incredible accomplishment! If you haven’t heard of Ghost yet you should familiarize yourself with it, as it appears to be a potentially strong competitor to WordPress. I say ‘appears’ because it isn’t actually ready yet and WordPress does have a ten year head start. Ghost, however, is gaining some ridiculous momentum and has many devout WordPressers excited. So what is the team behind Ghost looking to do with the next 25 days of their Kickstarter campaign? They want to raise 250,000 […]
Ghost Goes Kickstarter, MIT License
You’ve probably heard of Ghost, a concept that was created by John O’Nolan who re-thought everything when it came to blogging, publishing, and the user experience. For a time many thought it would just stay as a “nice idea, thanks” but apparently it’s got some real legs to it with some original concepts and prototypes out and now a bid to win the hearts, minds, and financial backing of the community via Kickstarter. Check the Kickstarter project video here:
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