What a week – how was yours? I’m spending my time in Florida on a mini-vacation of sorts (still very-much working) and it’s been good so far. The team back home in Atlanta hasn’t let anything burn to the ground, so that’s good news. Hope you are finding some rest and relaxation this summer my friends!
Remove Image Backgrounds: Clipping Magic?
We’re all busy and if you’re anything like me then finding shortcuts for simple and repetitive tasks is where it is at! I’d much rather spend time writing content then editing images, for example, especially because it’s not what I do (and I’m not very good at it to begin with). Check out this simple web-based shortcut that might save you more than a handful of minutes:
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Hope you guys are getting ready for the weekend because not only is it a holiday (if you’re in the US) but Monday is the 10th Anniversary Party! Dig it! So until then, chew on some of these links while you wait to party!
Free PSD of Flat Icons for You Design Needs
Oh yeah, gotta love freebies, right? Flat design is starting to move into vogue-status (or is it already here? I’m not entirely sure…) and more people are focusing their attention on not just design but also implementation for their sites. I found 24 free icons for my own use the other day and I thought it was worth sharing this resource here for designers and developers alike!
Fireworks: Did You Die a Little on the Inside?
So the big news yesterday was that an entire community found itself collectively crying (some on the inside, some very vocally) that Adobe Fireworks would see the final writing on the wall, signed, sealed, and delivered, and that the continuing life of the storied application would be no more: Due to this overlap and as well as our change in our product development focus, we have decided not to update Fireworks to CC and instead will focus on developing new tools to meet our customers needs. For some, this is like a knife in the heart as they’ve built their […]
Free Responsive Wireframe [PSD File]
The web is a wonderfully-mysterious thing, full of strangeness and entertainment and actual resources at times. It’s the latter that is the most impressive as it’s chock-full of people willing to give their time and energy to others via their own work. That’s why I like covering the “freebies” the most as it plays nicely with our open source philosophy around WordPress, you know what I mean? So when I saw Chris Bannister’s free responsive wireframe photoshop file I knew that I needed to make sure that our community had an opportunity to get a copy for their own use […]
Creative Market: Photoshop Extension, API Next?
Now this is an interesting play and business expansion – Creative Market, which received a lot of attention recently around supposed favoritism as well as releasing the first WP.com Premium Theme is continuing to change things up on us as they now have a Photoshop extension. What this extension essentially does is bring Creative Market straight to you, right in your Photoshop application, with direct access to all the premium content that you may want to use for your own creative projects. You can browse and search the marketplace, purchase and install assets directly without ever leaving your app, and even access […]
Dove Calls Out Envato's Photo Tuts (and Others)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0JF4QxPpvM&feature=youtu.be You’ve probably seen this video being shared a few times already but if you haven’t you’ll notice an Envato property being used as an example of “one” of those Photoshop-centric sites that are helping graphic artists mask “real beauty” with filters and actions. What their campaign is simply about is reminding us that our real beauty doesn’t have to be altered.
An Interview With Dre Armeda, CEO of Sucuri Inc
Today our WPOI is Dre Armeda. Yeah, that guy. He’s been around WordPress forever and is also one-half of the Dradcast team. You’ll certainly want to get his perspective on what he thinks WordPress needs in the future.
DradCast – It's Like the WordPress BrAngelina!
Man, my Photoshop skills are so legit~! Brad Williams and Dre Armeda are coming together in a collaboration of epic proportions calling it “Dradcast” a’la BrAngelina, most likely another podcast-esque endeavor that’ll bring back the two who once joined forces on WP Late Night with WPCandy. I can only imagine what they’ll be covering but if you don’t mind having these two fill your ears with sweet-nothings then you can sign-up to be notified on their temporary homepage here:
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