A little backlogged is all I have to say – it was a very busy weekend for me and I’m just finally catching up on work that was supped to get done late last week.
This happens on occasion and thankfully no ones breathing down my neck to get my stuff done – I create all the pressure I need on my own!
Hopefully you had a great weekend and are looking at an awesome week this week!
A frank look at the widening circles of WordPressers. Love this attitude.
Couldn’t agree more – hopefully something will be done about it!
Some thoughts on how to bill well.
4. Don’t Hide the Fact You’re Using WordPress
Don’t do it.
5. PHP Tutorials for Beginners
6. A Visual History of WordPress
This is neat via WPMU.
7. High Performer’s Get Coaches
I agree here with Chris big-time.
8. Migrating WordPress via Smashing Magazine
10. WebPageTest API
I did not know they had an API. Thanks Joseph!
WPLift has you covered.
12. Yoast and Community Roadmap
Joost shares where he’s headed this year.
13. A Look at Flat Design and Why It’s Important
14. 5 Minutes with Philip Arthur Moore
15. Interview with Rebecca Gill
Another interview by Matt Report!
Don’t miss his interview also with Rafal Tomal of Copyblogger as well:
16. Disable Post Format UI Plugin
via Justin Tadlock.
I totally respect this company big-time.
Beau Lebens reviews what it’s been like to be part of the team for the last 4 years.
20. Glimpse – Chrome Extension
Take a quick view of any webpage via a mobile view.
21. Eating My WordPress – WordPress and the GPL
It’s ok to be wrong.
22. How to Survive People Discovering Your Plugin
23. Submitting Your First Pull Request to a WP Plugin on Github
24. Take Your Skill to the Next Level
25. Interview with Alex Vasquez
via WPEngine.
26. What’s New in WPTouch Pro 3.0: Admin Panel Updates
27. Some Thoughts on the Light Side of OS Software
Tom shares his counter-points to his own argument. Inception?
Lorelle shares what it’s been like.
30. Redesigning the WP Post Editor
Ben shares his thoughts on the evolution of the editor.
Are you making sure you’re secure?
32. Photography 101 via Daily Post
Now this is pretty neat.
33. How to Add Google Web Fonts without a Plugin
34. 3.6 Master Codex Changes List
35. Envato is Hiring – Growth Team
A great team here. Join up!
Keep it clean!
Winding down the week.
38. Additional Mitigation Protocols Added to Combat Botnet Load
Pagely keeps you safe and happy.
39. Grace Hopper Open Source Day 2013
WP is participating!
40. 10 Year Party Here in Atlanta!
Are you coming?
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