WordPress makes it really easy to create a photo blog or run an online portfolio of your images. As such, many photographers, both professionals, and hobbyists alike, tend to use WordPress to showcase their works online. Of course, you still need to cater to popular photo-centric platforms, such as Flickr or 500px, but having your own website with a showcase of your images goes a long way in establishing your identity online. If you are looking to create a photography website using WordPress, where should you begin? You can, obviously, use WordPress plugins to do more with your website. This article […]
What Matters Most: Numbers or Influence?
It has become quite apparently lately to me which is truly a winner in this battle and all of us already know this, but I want to share with you my personal testimony as to why it is and always will be true. Influence is most definitely what matters most. There seems to be this premature obsession with gaining popularity or numbers to reach what you “think” are your goals, but with time I like to believe that all of us realize what a true and admirable goal can really be. Let me first tell you my story of victory of influence […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
This is your WordPress weekend roundup – blog posts that we couldn’t entertain fully in the past week but that might still be worth your time. We spend our weekend curating this list so that you don’t have to! We hope that by spending a few hours (or more than a few hours) that we save hundreds if not thousands of our own community’s time! It is an opportunity we can’t pass up! And at this point we’ve done over 20 of these at this point! Ready? Here we go!
Should Technology or Community Curate?
The developing technology around online publishing is continuing to evolve, even as we speak as innovators and application developers begin to make good on their ideas into the real world. Things like Ghost, which is going to hit our shelves in the very near future, are taking a good hard look at not only the future of publishing but also what the history shows us to be both good and bad about digital publication. As a result, we like to cover all types of publishing systems, methodologies, and apps – not all of them are good and most are downright […]
Client Image Proofing via WordPress in 5 Steps
If you’re looking to use your WordPress website for client proofing, then this article is a great starting point. I had to come up with a solution pretty quick because the service I was using to host my proofing galleries for clients, decided to double their prices. For my purposes, the price didn’t warrant the service, so I canceled my plan. The steps I took to create a self-hosted client proofing solution are similar to what I will be listing below. However, being that I am fairly handy with coding, I used fewer plugins and implemented manual PHP code.
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Yet another incredibly busy week for us at WP Daily and the rest of the 8BIT team – as much as we hate to admit it, we’re still somewhat recovering from WordCamp Atlanta that finished a few weeks ago – all those calls and meetings and things that we had hoped to get done were pushed back and we’re finally knocking them out, one-by-one. But we’ll get there. I’m sure of it. Without further ado, here’s a look at the past week and some of the stories that we weren’t able to cover explicitly:
Free Theme Friday
Another Friday another free theme! Simple Photo is a responsive theme that is… well, simple and highlights photography or your awesome design work. Built by dessign and inspired by Thomas Hawk’s photography. It has a place for your social links and easy navigation.