Having your WordPress site hacked is one of the biggest nightmares for any website owner. From one moment to the next, your site is shut down. Traffic plummets and all the energy, effort, time, and money you put into your site is on the brink of being lost entirely. Finding and fixing the problem is hard work, however, not as hard as winning back your audience’s trust or getting your site off spam blacklists. While getting hacked is never pleasant, it is much more common than you would think. The ascent of WordPress has painted a large bullseye on the […]
8 Ways To Increase Website Traffic Without Creating New Content
One of the most common pieces of advice to increase website traffic is to “create great content on a regular basis”. Even I have said the same in the past. It makes sense. High-quality, relevant content is a key component in bringing visitors to your site and the reason why content marketing has been all the rage these past years. Plus, with its history as a blogging platform, WordPress is perfectly suited to build content-centered websites. However, content creation has its own set of challenges, the biggest of which: finding the time. In fact, in a 2015 survey lack of […]
How To Convince Clients Of The Benefits Of Using WordPress
“Is WordPress right for my website?” Anyone building WordPress sites for clients likely has to deal with this question on a regular basis. As it turns out, client education is as much part of this business as installing plugins and writing CSS. For WordPress professionals, the platform is second nature and the benefits of using WordPress for building websites are completely obvious. However, we often forget that clients don’t possess that same knowledge. For some, that really isn’t a problem. All they want is a website and they don’t care about what’s running it. Others, however, do care and sometimes […]
An Introduction To Technical SEO For WordPress Websites
SEO seems to be getting more and more complex with every year. Already a bit of a mystery for many site owners, the fact that this field is constantly changing surely doesn’t make things any easier. Trying to stay on top in order to keep your website afloat in the search rankings can result in lots of sleepless nights. To conquer this feeling of uncertainty, it’s a good idea to take a step back and start from the very beginning. In the case of search engine optimization, that means looking at what is called technical SEO, which is the basis […]
11 Truly Useful Yet Unknown WordPress Features
WordPress has, without a doubt, been very successful. It is by now a powerful content management system powering millions of websites. However, that doesn’t mean that the development of the WordPress platform has come to an end. Quite the contrary, WordPress continues to evolve rapidly, with three majors releases in 2015 alone. Besides code improvements, every new WordPress version also brings new features. Some, like the WP REST API get talked about quite a lot. Others come in more under the radar. Because that is the way it is, in 2014 I wrote an article for Torque on lesser-known WordPress […]
How To Move WordPress From Localhost To Live Server
The ability to set up and use local development is an important one in any WordPressers skill set. A local WordPress installation enables you to work independently of an online connection, test site changes, themes, and plugins without the risk of breaking your live site, and overall makes your workflow more efficient. So much so that I recently wrote an entire article on how to install WordPress locally with XAMPP. Your site won’t do any good, however, if it’s just lying around on your hard drive. Once you are done with the work, you need to figure out how to […]
11 Best WordPress Translation Plugins For Multilingual Websites
With a share of almost 26 percent of worldwide Internet users, English is the most spoken language online (as of November 2015). That means if your WordPress site is set up in this particular language, it appeals to the largest singular group of users out there. The bad news, however, is that you are missing out on the other 74 percent — that’s roughly 2.5 billion people. Yeah, you read that right. That’s two and a half billion who people could be reading your content, buying your product, signing up for your service, and more. If only you (or your […]
7 Reasons That Make Me Say #ILoveWP (What Are Yours?)
You have probably seen the hashtag #IloveWP that is currently sweeping the WordPress nation. It’s a call to contribute to the new WordPress.org testimonial page, which has been woefully out of date for a while. (In fact, some of the testimonials in the version that is being replaced dated back to 2003.) To populate the new page, Matt Mullenweg has posted a call to the community to share your WordPress story with the #IloveWP tag attached and submit them as testimonial material. So, if you’d like your story to be featured on WordPress.org, here’s your chance. Besides a shot at […]
28 High-Quality Resources To Learn JavaScript For WordPress
Learn Javascript, deeply. – Matt Mullenweg Even if you haven’t watched the 2015 State of the Word address, there’s one takeaway that everyone is talking about: The future of WordPress and the web are API-powered JavaScript applications. The new WordPress.com user interface Calypso was already a sign of things to come. Not only is it utilizing the WP REST API but build with Node.js and React powering the whole thing, it is also completely based on JavaScript which will be a key part of the WordPress technology stack in years to come. So, it’s clear that it’s time to learn JavaScript […]
How to Implement Web Accessibility Guidelines in WordPress
When building a WordPress website, you probably already have a laundry list of things that need to be done. Layout optimization, social icons, Google Analytics, SEO settings — to name just a few. Not to mention, content creation when the site has gone online. Probably the last thing you want is to add more to the list. However, here is an important one, web accessibility. What’s that you ask? Making your site accessible means setting it up in a way that anyone can use it, regardless of limitations like visual, aural, or other cognitive impairment, learning disabilities, limited movement, speech disabilities, […]