Does your organization publish a monthly or quarterly newsletter? Is it created in a conventional desktop publisher like Microsoft Word or Publisher? Well, it may be time for you to get upgraded! The creation of desktop publishing tools in the 1990’s made this routine task a lot easier than it used to be, but it’s not ideal. Desktop publishing is time consuming, and you’re usually limited to a certain number of pages. If you overlooked an important article, you have to wait until next time to get it out there. And then there are the problems with delivery: postage is […]
Die Spam! Blacklist That Shiz with This Gist!
Man. The growth of spam is ridiculous and I spend way too much time moderating comments on this blog than I would like to. Sure, there are a billion different ways to manage spam, ham, and everything else in between from a technology perspective (via plugins, 3rd party systems, honeypots, whatever) but sometimes it’s the more simple things that work the best. Take for example Grant Hutchinson‘s Blacklist Keywords for Comments text file that he shared via Github:
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 1.29.2013
Wow! What a day! Not only were there tons of comments on a few of our posts, but there’s loads of themes and plugins to share with you on today’s roundup. It seems that we have a few themes that have been updated since we first shared them with you as new themes. There’s also a few updated plugins that I remember sharing as well. Way to keep the updates coming guys and gals! Here they are folks:
Periodic Table of Plugins!
Periodic Table of WordPress Plugins? Seriously? Who has time for that?
The Difference: WordPress Foundation and Automattic, Inc.
There’s been a lot of confusion surrounding Automattic Inc., the WordPress Foundation, and everything else in between. So much so that most people unfortunately use all of it interchangeably which is the wrong thing to do. I want to clearly state that there are distinct differences between all of them and that it’s worth knowing what you’re talking about when you start jumping into the muddy waters that is licensing, the GPL, ownership, and developing a WordPress-centric business. At the center of all of this is really the WordPress Foundation so by establishing this we can clearly take a look […]
The GPL WordPress Issue Isn't New Folks
We’ve gotten a lot of tweets and emails via our contact form in the last week about the overarching GPL debate created recently that has clearly shown that for many this appears to be an entirely new issue which many of us know to be not true. For context and for helping out a lot of people with similar questions I just wanted to clearly state what I’ve been answering a number of people who have asked essentially: “What the heck is going on?!?” @wpdailyco Hey Guys, can you helps us newbies who use Envato to purchase themes understand what the heck is […]
Envato Licensing, the Community and the Foundation
On the weekend I got some time to tune into the WPCandy podcast with host Ryan Imel and guest Jake Caputo. They discussed the recent blackball post and jokingly refer to Jake, who is an Envato Elite author, as surely having access to a magic red button that he can press to “make things happen”. I wish we did have this feature! Elite authors like Jake, after all, are the lifeblood of ThemeForest. It’s been an interesting week with those posts, all the many comments, as well as lively discussion threads on ThemeForest itself. And it’s been a timely one […]
Stop Stat Counting And Get Back To your Blog
Let me know if this sounds familiar: You wake up in the morning, put on a cup of coffee, get dressed, wander around in a haze but fairly soon go over to your computer. First things first. Let’s check how many views you got last night. Hum not as many as you hoped. Well, maybe you didn’t plug that post on your social media sites enough. Time to give it a bit more juice and send out a reminder across all your social medai services. After a while at work you realize that your latest post is about to go live! Better […]
Daily Theme & Plugin Roundup – 1.28.2013
Happy Monday! Everyone have a great weekend? I know I sure did! Looks like there are some new themes and plugins to share today. They are products of some hard work over the weekend for sure. I’m always excited to see new plugins, but new themes make it that much sweeter. Way to go guys and gals! Here’s your list o’ new stuff:
Is Obox Beating the GPL, System?
Of course there’s a lot of pressure right now on making sure that the GPL issues around Envato and WordPress are enforced, or at least that the things being said are aligned with actual action and one such confusing example is Obox and their apparent distribution of their Gigawatt Theme. As mentioned by @ChrisWallace, what exactly is the ruling here? Yo @wordpressdotcom you got some GPL problems! ThemeForest: — designer (@chriswallace) January 24, 2013 The proof of the issue, as they say, is in the pudding: