On the 1st of April 2012, I was one of six new hires joining the WooThemes team, raising the total number of WooThemes team members to 23. It has been an amazing ride so far and the approaching end of this year made me realize yet again what a great decision it was to jump on the WooThemes train. The end of a year is always a great way to reflect on what happened. When I joined WooThemes, I planned on writing multiple blog posts on what I was working on, what I liked most and other post related to […]
WordPress SEO: 5 Quick Tips for Immediate Impact
Introduction When it comes to WordPress SEO, the software is actually quite good right out of the box (hey… even Google agrees). But, nothing is ever perfect and there are quiet a few quick and easy things you can do to optimize WordPress for SEO purposes. After all, what’s the point of having a site if no one views it? This article will walk you through 5 quick WordPress SEO steps for immediate impact and – in turn – provide a solid basis on which you can delve into deeper, more advanced SEO methods. What do these tips cover? WordPress […]
How to Add a Customized Icon on iOS Devices
As you can see above I’ve added a customized / branded icon on my homescreen on my iPhone 5 – this gives it a much nicer look than a screen capture of the home page when adding it, right? This is increasingly more important as more and more people are browsing your blog and site with mobile devices and choose to save your homepage right on their device. Give them something attractive to look at, especially if it’s going to sit among some other luminary sites! Which is why I encourage you to save WP Daily to your homescreen on your […]
10 Responsive WordPress Plugins from 2012
Responsive web design (RWD) was on one of the biggest web design trends of 2012. With its growth in acceptance, it is poised to explode in 2013. But the question, naturally, is what does the WordPress community bring to the RWD table? Let’s look at 10 of the top responsive WordPress plugins that will help us in our quest for responsive, cross-device perfection.
We've Got a Snowstorm on WP Daily…
You may notice a bit of snow on the blog for the holiday season and if you’re curious about what we’re using we’re using the Snow Storm plugin which is customizable in terms of “thickness” of the blizzard, mobile support, and even the ability for the snow to follow your mouse cursor. Legit!
Are You Greek? Help Out with the Translation Team!
Posted in the Make Polyglots community, @dyrer is looking for some help translating WordPress into Greek. Apparently he used to translate some of it previously but wants to help out even more. His goal? To create a Greek translation team for “fast and accurate” translations of WordPress and themes. So, if you’ve got some time and itching to help out, this might be a simple way to contribute in a big way. Head over to the boards to help and connect.
Sass and LESS Now Available via CSS Editor
Are you a fan of LESS or Sass preprocessors? Because if you are then you’re going to be stoked to find that they are both now available via your CSS Editor on both WordPress.com and your self-hosted solutions (via Jetpack). Yeah, I know, right? That’s a big deal, especially for those that spend a lot of time tweaking, editing, and creating new CSS and styles for their blogs, their clients, and their projects. For the uninitiated, a preprocessor are extensions to CSS to simply allow you to manage your CSS with more ease.
Beau Lebens Interviewed on Developer Resources
A new feature of the WordPress.com Developer Resources blog is the fact that they are now highlighting particular people in an interview segment that I hope will continue fairly regularly. Beau Lebens is the first up and he shares how he first got started with WordPress by launching a startup based on WordPress MU and bbPress for scrapbooking fans (clever!). He then moved to Mashable (yes, that blog) and then over to Automattic. I think some of the best part is his advice to aspiring young people who are interested in learning about WordPress and software development: Dive right in. […]
Cristi Burca: Moving to Jekyll
Cristi Burca, a senior WordPress developer at AppThemes and WordPress core contributor recently shared that he’s been not only experimenting with Jekyll, another blogging alternative that favors those that have a bit more development background: WordPress is about democratizing publishing; that is to say it’s meant to be easy to use by anyone, whether they have technical knowledge or not. Jekyll, in contrast, is designed to appeal to developers. It allows you to treat your content as source code, employing familiar tools such as text editors and version control systems. Does this mean that all that hard work with over […]