Have you ever wanted to learn how to create a WordPress Theme from scratch? Here’s an incredible primer via ThemeShaper that has gotten an incredible amount of attention because, well, it deserves it. The first version was done by Ian Stewart and now the second edition has been released, with the last part covering the distribution of a WordPress Theme being completed recently. It’s everything you need to get started and is fast becoming a staple for those that are first entering into the theming waters. The entire Table of Contents is listed below and I suspect that you’ll be […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Every week we wrangle together the best links and content around the web. There’s simply too much going on to report about it all in long-form but we want to make sure that you’re aware of it. If you’ve got any suggestions or links that we’ve missed (and we know that we have) please let us know in the comments – we have 25 links so don’t forget to click “Next Page”! We appreciate it guys and love to see all the great content being produced around the globe related to WordPress!
Add Liveblogging Capability to Your Blog
The recent update of Liveblog 1.2 couldn’t be better timed as I was looking for something to use in the upcoming WordCamp events in January, especially since we’re trying to find livebloggers for the actual events. The recent update provides a number of compatibility features for 3.5 and introducing new hooks and filters for customization. You can see a full number of changes here in the changelog. You can see a very simple overview of the power of this plugin after the jump as well as my own experimentations:
Interview with Ben Gillbanks of Pro Theme Design
Part of what we want to do here at WP Daily is share the experiences of those who have been around in the WordPress community for some time so that others can learn from them. We affectionately call these people WPOI, or Word Person of Interest. Yes, that’s something I made up but it’ll do for now! Our first ever text-based interview here is with Ben Gillbanks of Pro Theme Design who also has the accolade of building the first theme with an admin panel – that makes him a definite WPOI.
Widely Theme Released for WordPress.com: Modern, Simple, Clean
Themes Kingdom has released a new modern, slick, and very clean looking design for WordPress.com users called Widely. It boasts some of the following: Featured content slider Four widget areas on the footer Featured images Custom header options Custom background options HTML elements And more This theme looks like a perfect choice for those that are looking for a very visual first impression via the featured content slider and then moving into more focused content buckets. Keeping the design simple just focuses the user and reader on the stuff that matters – your content.
Jetpack Releases 2.0.4: Photon, Infinite Scroll, CSS Editor Updates
Jetpack, a behemoth of a WordPress plugin with a number of turn-key features, has released their 2.0.3 update whoops, now it’s 2.0.4 after a slight issue with 2.0.3, boasting updates to Photon, their “image accelerator” as well as compatibility with their infinite scroll feature. The custom CSS editor also got hit big with some updates improving the editing experience incorporating support for Sass and LESS, which I’m a personal fan of. The complete list of changes can be seen on the changelog.
WordPress vs. Expression Engine: Who Wins?
Sorry, I Was Late To The WordPress Party
This is my personal WordPress Epiphany. You probably can’t go too far into a discussion about blogging before the topic turns to WordPress – maybe two or three sentences at most. Like ham & cheese or tea & bud, they are perfect partners. So one would think that a guy who blogs for others (a social voice for pixels), is all over WordPress – steeping it all day long. The fact is that although I help others install, use and yes blog from it, my personal site was someplace else. I played around with Twitter Bootstrap for some time and […]
Hello Dolly Showcased as New and Noteworthy
Pretty stoked to see our new Hello Dolly podcast on the New and Noteworthy section of iTunes this morning! Thanks all for driving traffic and listening to Episode 0…! It’s obviously gotten the attention of more than a few people and we can’t wait to continue our climb into awesomeness. Thanks for your help! The response has been overwhelmingly positive, which makes Tom shed tears of joy.