Man. The growth of spam is ridiculous and I spend way too much time moderating comments on this blog than I would like to. Sure, there are a billion different ways to manage spam, ham, and everything else in between from a technology perspective (via plugins, 3rd party systems, honeypots, whatever) but sometimes it’s the more simple things that work the best. Take for example Grant Hutchinson‘s Blacklist Keywords for Comments text file that he shared via Github:
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
It’s been a very full second week of January as people are definitely back in the saddle and writing and publishing great content. Businesses are attempting to hit their stride as they shake off the dust from the winter break and products are being released left and right. Fantastic for all of us as we continue to grow our own businesses, personal, and professional lives – it’s just tough to keep up with it all! We’ve got nearly 50 resources in this one. Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend and make sure you check out WordCamp Victoria’s Live Coverage as well!
Hello Dolly: WP Daily's New Podcast, Episode 0
We are so excited to announce a brand new podcast affectionately called Hello Dolly. For those that have been around WordPress for a while (and ever installed a self-hosted version) then you’ll immediately get the reference that we’ve created here! It’s a true throwback and hat tip to the greatest jazz-related WordPress Plugin ever and represents a very similar mission: This is not just a [podcast], it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong. Obviously we’ve exchanged the word podcast for plugin in this instance but you get […]
Mockupress: Apple Keynote Template for Clients, Presentations
Do you make mockups for clients and customers and/or present to others in meetings, conferences, or other such gatherings? Then perhaps we can help streamline your work with Taylor Dewey‘s sweet Mockupress, a simple concept that shows the WordPress dashboard and the necessary elements to get your presentation done. It’s completely free and available on GitHub. For those that don’t have a GitHub account, you can download it directly here but we recommend you get an account to stay updated with any new releases. Cheers! Thanks Taylor for your work here! Full list of features here: