It’s #humpday! We are half way through the week now. How are you going to make the rest of your week count? These authors made sure to get their newly pressed plugins ready for today’s roundup. It looks like there’s a few gems in the list too! Do you see any you think are worth a try?
Boston University Launches Navigation Plugin
Another day, another inventive approach to WordPress. I’m always intrigued by the solutions people create to solve issues they are having with their WordPress sites. Boston University has created such a solution, in the form of a clever plugin that handles site navigation. The aptly named BU Navigation Plugin aims to, according to their developer page, ‘tame even the most unruly of site structures’ and is designed with large sites in mind. The larger the page count on the site the more impact the BU Navigation Plugin can have.
Building a Useful WordPress Code Library
Something I have noticed when I am developing WordPress sites is that I very often find myself coding up the same Loop patterns again and again. How many times have you developed a magazine style layout with a grid of posts, each with a post thumbnail, title, author, date and small excerpt? I know I have – countless times. It’s like I’ve got my own personal “loop” going on myself. It might look something like this:
Automate Deployments with Scatter
Evan Solomon has been busy and his busyness hasn’t been without cause and value. A few months ago he shared a new project with the world, a “helper” with deployment called Scatter. The idea was to create a support mechanism that would help you deploy your code via a custom script for different projects. You can use any system you’d like, by the way, making it easy to access the custom script as you need. It’s basic design is to help keep your deploy and web code separate. In addition, it’ll make it easy to access one or the other […]
Brad Parbs Adds Hooks to Starter Theme
Brad Parbs sent us a note that I thought was neat enough to cover as the Theme Hook Alliance continues to grow it’s influence around the WordPress neighborhood. And besides, he told us that we should share it – and so, we’re sharing it (besides, he’s a “rockstar,” at least via his own website)! Recently he just added all of the hooks from the Alliance into the starter theme, called “_s,” to make everyone happy.
Use Justin Tadlock's Hybrid Base for Your New Theme
And I must stress new theme – you see, this wasn’t created for people to create child themes on (it’s no parent good sir!) but rather for creating entirely new themes. If you’re not a developer than you can probably move on. But if you’re interested in looking at how Justin sees WordPress development, how he’s implemented it with the Hybrid Core Framework, then you might want to dive in: You won’t find 100s of hooks or complicated PHP code in Hybrid Base. It’s simple HTML with a light mix of the appropriate WordPress template tags and Hybrid Core functions. There’s a base style.css file […]
Tracking Errors with Airbrake, Errbit
When you’re developing apps for yourself you may not necessarily care as much about the errors that are created at run-time, especially if it’s to solve a personal productivity issue or challenge. For example, there are a few Chrome and Firefox browser scripts that I’ve created that are terribly coded and that would most likely break in any other environment other than my own but I don’t really care to take the time to refine these small collections of code because I’m not releasing them publicly and definitely not selling them. But if you’re a WordPress-powered business that are developing […]
Letterpress: Publishing with Markdown and Dropbox
Ling Wang is something different, that’s for sure, but I really appreciate his perspective in terms of online publishing. With his latest release of version 0.0.2 of Letterpress, which introduces Tags, ASCIIMathML support, and a few others, I’m beginning to see even with more clarity what his intent and implementation is all about. No, this isn’t another WordPress-powered implementation but rather something entirely different. Ling describes his experience with WordPress and how he came upon this solution: I’ve been using WordPress since July, 2009. It is almost good enough. I encountered several downtimes when MySQL hung. I don’t know a thing about […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Another crazy week this week, right? I feel like there’s a never-ending flood of great content that’s being created about WordPress and related topics of conversation. It makes our jobs incredible easy and incredibly difficult at times because we have to identify the topics that we want to cover more fully and the ones that we can only point to and say “Go check this out!” In anycase, here’s your weekly roundup of conversations that you may have missed:
Swag for WP Developers: WordPress Up!
Looking for useful <code>developer</code> tools? Looking for a list of tools that will give you that quick edge to get started or help your neighboring WP developer, like version control, unit testing, IDE bundles, configuration scripts, and more? Then you should join the folks over at WordPress Gear, which is a community-driven system via GitHub, and make it the best darn repo ever. Fork it, if you want:
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