A little backlogged is all I have to say – it was a very busy weekend for me and I’m just finally catching up on work that was supped to get done late last week. This happens on occasion and thankfully no ones breathing down my neck to get my stuff done – I create all the pressure I need on my own! Hopefully you had a great weekend and are looking at an awesome week this week!
GistBox App: Code Snippet Organization for GitHub
This is actually perfectly timed with an earlier post that we published today (Daniel Roizer‘s Top 10 Code Snippets) and may be of use for those that are considering a place to house all those neat and great code snippets that you use, and reuse, and reuse, and then reuse some more. For those that have been developing for sometime you know that this organization process of previous work and code can help speed up the process of further development, especially if it’s organized in a way that maximizes speed and effectiveness. Take a look at this free app and service […]
Stringer: Open Source Self-Hosted RSS Reader
As many of you I’m a huge user of RSS – I still think there’s something powerful about that protocol and unless something dramatic changes I don’t see it leaving us anytime soon. Unfortunately, the applications that we use to read RSS seem to not stick around too long, the biggest and most recent example being Google Reader. I’ve already chosen my replacement for starters, which you can read about here: Feedly. But I’m not terribly happy with it although it does work so I’m still looking out for other alternatives and possibilities and I found one that got me excited […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
This is your WordPress weekend roundup – blog posts that we couldn’t entertain fully in the past week but that might still be worth your time. We spend our weekend curating this list so that you don’t have to! We hope that by spending a few hours (or more than a few hours) that we save hundreds if not thousands of our own community’s time! It is an opportunity we can’t pass up! And at this point we’ve done over 20 of these at this point! Ready? Here we go!
Intern: JavaScript Testing Stack
I got wind of this recently via Dougal Campbell and I wanted to repost and share it here since after taking a look I found it a valuable resource that’s worth a second of your time. It’s a browser-based system (or you can use Node.js) and test to your heart’s content. Check out Intern when you have a chance.
Firepad: Open Source Collaborative Text Editing
Now wouldn’t this be some cool technology that could sit right within the post editor for WordPress? I know it would be a stretch and something that might be a little jarring at first, but imagine if the text editor, the area that I’m typing in right now, became a much more collaborative environment, much like Firepad.io? Imagine that for a moment:
Gumby 2: Complete Front-End Framework
For those that spend an incredible amount of time working on the front-end of design we all have our unique toolkits that simplify and streamline our workflows. This may include a CSS framework (or two) that speed things up so that we can continue to churn out great work in a reasonable amount of time. Although I’ve been a long-time fan of Bootstrap but I’m not dogmatic meaning I am willing to try something new to see if it gives me a similar or better (hopefully) experience with front-end CSS development. So when I happened upon this new-ish framework that made […]
Chardin.js: Simple Overlays for Your Apps
Sheesh. The sheer simplicity of this js script is killing me! And I love it! After encountering this simple jQuery overlay I’ve thought of a million ways to use it in previous projects as well as new ones in the pipe. The inspiration came to Pablo Fernandez via the new composer tour of Gmail (you know, that helpful overlay that shows up when you first boot up). Check it out and see for yourself:
Qafoo PHP Refactoring Browser Tool
Working with WordPress at any development level requires that you get your hands a bit dirty; PHP-dirty that is. And if you’re serious about developing apps on top of WordPress then you’ll need tools and packages to get your work done – which may include refactoring apps that help you move faster through tons of code. This automatic refactor for PHP generates diffs that describe the refactoring steps – this, naturally, prevents simple mistakes during refactorings and automates it. Simple concept but the combination of libraries that they’ve included may make it worth a few moments of your time to review: […]
The WordPress Weekend Roundup
Yet another incredibly busy week for us at WP Daily and the rest of the 8BIT team – as much as we hate to admit it, we’re still somewhat recovering from WordCamp Atlanta that finished a few weeks ago – all those calls and meetings and things that we had hoped to get done were pushed back and we’re finally knocking them out, one-by-one. But we’ll get there. I’m sure of it. Without further ado, here’s a look at the past week and some of the stories that we weren’t able to cover explicitly:
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