Today, WooThemes proudly celebrates a major milestone—reaching 2,000,000 WooCommerce downloads. Impressive, right? And yes, that’s Torque contributor Matt Cohen of WooThemes sharing his excitement in the photo above. (I “borrowed” a screenshot from the fun video they made to toast the occasion; you should check it out too.) We’re happy for them. According to statistics from provided on WooThemes’ site, 9% of ALL eCommerce websites are now using WooCommerce. Now that’s good business! Here’s the breakdown provided by WooThemes of the industry verticals currently leveraging WooCommerce for their businesses: In other WooNews, the community behind the platform is continuing to […]
Uh Oh… Is iThemes Breaking GPL?
I’m not going to add anything more than what’s been contributed already but we’ve been pinged a number of times about this already – is the new iThemes Exchange that was just launched breaking GPL (or not just being “nice” and respectful)? Man, I sure do find it interesting that v1.0 shares some code written by the team at and no author attribution was given in the plugin repository. Specifically alot of the source code in the functions.php file originated from the Shopp project. You should really give an author credit where it is due.
iThemes Launches Exchange eCommerce
And there she is. We’ve gotten hints here and there that it would be coming soon and so late last night we received an early release version to try and test out (as well as the Stripe Add-on plugin). I booted it up on a local installation and I really liked what I saw – it’s what you might expect from an eCommerce plugin but from first glance it appears to be so much less than what the other options provide. Why? Because they’ve turned off many of the features that you can later turn-on that might cause too much […]
Cart66, Pagely Make WP eCommerce Baby: Cart66 Sky
It seems like is doing some serious moving these days with new products, updates, throw in an acquisition, and even new partnerships – what aren’t they doing these days? Oh, and yes, that’s right, they are even planning a conference (which is growing more-awesome every day) called Pressnomics. Yikes! But this partnership with Cart66 is pretty neat and one that’s probably the first of many new partnerships to come from other players I would imagine:
Sylius: A Strong OS eCommerce Alternative
With the growing industry of eCommerce and WordPress it’s always good to keep in mind many of the solutions that have not only come before us but also the growing open source community around it as a whole. There are just as many new players entering the space as any other industry and keeping tabs on what’s being done right (and wrong) is a good idea for all of us in WordPress land. For example, take a look at this full stack open source solution:
WooCommerce and the 1M Downloads
Nothing but love and much congratulations to the WooThemes team on continuing to develop a product worth downloading. Isn’t that the neat thing about open source? You can entirely validate, at least generally speaking, the quality and success of a product by just looking at the sheer number of downloads. Sure, downloads is just one of many signals of success and especially quality, but if you back that up with an established company with a brand that’s worth noting, it just represents all-around goodness.
2 Incredibly Simple (and Inspiring) Apps to Sell Stuff
Although these two apps aren’t WordPress-specific I have found both of them to be quite useful and have simply loved the sheer simplicity of the user experience as well as the obvious effectiveness that’s been created. In a ever-increasing world of eCommerce for WordPress the temptation is to continue to add features instead of pull back slightly or at least think critically about what is needed and what is not needed. Many of them are bloated and simply too large to be much use for many people. That’s why these two inspire:
Did You Miss These Product, Plugin Updates?
Yesterday was a day of updates for a number of great plugins and solutions and if you’ve already an owner then you may have already updated natively through your system. But if you haven’t (or you’re not a customer yet) here are some of the updates that you missed and perhaps another reason to review these great products that are built by some of our community members here and all-around great people!
iThemes Enters eCommerce Space with Exchange
The biggest news in the eCommerce space isn’t Shopify with their v2 being released yesterday but rather iThemes and their new entry in the growing shopping space with Exchange. And they were greeted with many votes of confidence and praise, even from existing competitors. As one person mentioned, this is what’s so great about the WordPress community because we can pat each other on the back despite our commercial interests: Competitors who treat each other with respect because they understand that the culture of the community they’re in doesn’t do competition the way other communities do it. iThemes on-going challenges will […]
Shopify Announces v2.0, 60+ Features
With over 60 new features to the new back-end admin existing Shopify users will be in for a real treat (if they haven’t already enjoyed the experience already). Although they’ve been in active beta their announcement this morning brings the new features full-bore for the world to experience and use. The customers on the front-end won’t know any difference but shop owners will without question. A few features of note:
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